It’s no secret that I believe in kismet (i.e. synchronicity). Why wouldn’t I, when I experience it all the time?
I told you that Tillamook gave me a chance to try their yogurts for free and that I was totally game because I am already a huge fan of their cheeses. They have 21 flavors to choose from, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the one flavor I was most excited about: watermelon. Can you imagine? Watermelon yogurt! I’ve never heard of such a thing.
I wasn’t able to get the watermelon flavor, but I did get Oregon Strawberry, Raspberry, and Marionberry. I’d tell you how much I liked all the flavors I bought, but really I only know how good the Oregon Strawberry yogurt is because my husband ate the other ones. Greedy yogurt thief!
Yes, the yogurt was good. Very good. I like that the fruit is mixed in and not at the bottom, although I couldn’t really tell from the label that it was pre-stirred. I have very delicate wrists and the strain of stirring yogurt can be quite exhausting. I’m kidding! I just prefer the way pre-stirred yogurt with fruit tastes as compared to the kind with the fruit on the bottom.
You may be wondering what Tillamook has to do with kismet. Well, I went to the doctor right around the time I tried the yogurt and she ordered blood tests. Turns out that I am vitamin D deficient and have to supplement. This deficiency can cause joint/muscle ache and fatigue and lead to more fragile bones that break easier. I do not want any of that, so I also need to make sure that I am getting enough calcium through diet, supplements or a combination of both.
Supplements are good, but diet is better, dontcha think? Guess what? Tillamook yogurt has calcium. And that right there is kismet, baby!
You can find out if Tillamook Yogurt is available in your area and if you are into it, you can enter to win 6 months of Tillamook Yogurt for free.
Disclosure: I received complimentary coupons to sample the product and I have been compensated for my time. As always, all statements and opinions are my own.
Isn’t it funny how things seem to work out? I really, really wish I liked yogurt. I keep trying. I do love cheese though!
I’m crazy for cheese.
Shut the front door!
Watermelon yogurt?
I need to find some asap!
watermelon? WOW, gotta try to find that flavor, love tillamook!
I LOVE Tillamook! I literally have a fridge full of their cheeses. We do not have their yogurt or ice creams here in Texas yet… but I have heard great things. 🙂
Watermelon Yogurt? I am not sure I would love it, sounds interesting though. I love their cheeses so I am sure I would be in love with their yogurts!
Ooh fun! Loved reading your post. I haven’t heard of this brand, I need to check to see if they offer it locally. Watermelon does sound phenomenal.. yum!? Having to eat more yummy stuff like yogurt is certainly a lot of more than choking down some chalky meds! Good luck with that! Be sure to hide it so hubs doesn’t snatch the next batch!
Awesome post, amiga! So glad you found a product that serves a double purpose– here’s to your health and indulgence! 🙂
Yum! I’ll have to pick up some of these the next time I’m at the store. They sound delicious.
I like the Tillamook cheeses, too, and didn’t know that they had yogurt. We are yogurt thieves ourselves — so we’ll have to try it! I’m also with you about the fruit at the bottom. I prefer it all mixed in.