I believe in kismet or synchronicity. I’m sure you know what I mean, but just in case.
Kismet and Synchronicity as defined by me:
Case in point: This week I went to meet my new-to-me general practitioner. My previous doctor relocated to a new state and it was time to meet and greet my new doctor. I love her (and not just because she told me I was pretty and don’t need make-up)! Right away I had a feeling I would like her because the exam room was covered with pictures she’s taken and I’m a big fan of taking pictures.
We discussed my health: blood pressure very good…BMI, not so good. Normally, I would be crushed about the weight issue, but I wasn’t because of the way she approached it. She understands I’m exercising regularly and that I’m nursing. She wasn’t pressuring me into losing weight right now, but mentioned it because it’s part of her job. She suggested I incorporate more greens into my diet, specifically spinach and kale to help with lagging energy.
I left her office feeling good and really wanting to commit to having a bowl of spinach or kale everyday, but somehow knowing that wasn’t going to happen even with the best of intentions.
Seemingly related or fateful experience about to happen…
Then later in the week, I go to a tasting at the new Evolution Fresh store in San Francisco (2201 Fillmore Street, 9411). All I know about Evolution Fresh is that they sell juices at some Starbucks and that some of the juices are pretty expensive. I don’t drink much juice because it’s too high in calories and I don’t want to waste my calories on juice.
Guess what? Yes, the Evolution Fresh store sells cold-pressed (a process that maintains the nutritional value of fresh produce) fruit juices, BUT they also sell cold-pressed green juices. That’s juices made with greens like spinach or kale, which is what I’m supposed to be having more of! Okay, but green juice has never appealed to me. UNTIL now. It was friggin’ delicious and I could totally see myself drinking my greens!
The Evolution Fresh store menu includes juices as well as nutritious non-juice meal choices. I love the idea of being able to go into a store and know that everything on the menu is not only delicious, but also good for me.
So how does kismet or synchronicity fit into all of this?! I do not think it was a coincidence that I was introduced to Evolution Fresh on the very same week that my doctor encouraged me to add more greens into my diet. I’m not going to go to Evolution Fresh every day, that’s just not going to happen, BUT I left the Evolution Fresh store feeling inspired to recreate some of the menu items at home and to incorporate juicing into my life as well.
I have resisted juicing for so long because I really only thought about it as sweet fruit juices, I never thought about it as a way to eat my greens and I also didn’t know that green juice could taste so darned good.
Are you eating your greens? Do you juice?
I want a juicer now.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Kismet happens.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. My doctor did not ask me to write about her. I was invited to the Evolution Fresh store for a tasting and I’m sharing the experience with you. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Spinach I can do, Kale not so much. I do like veggies but tend to eat more fruit. My BMI is a tad bit *ahem* high. I began going to the gym, but I really need to start eating better. Is there such a thing as chocolate covered spinach?
Oh yes…I do a little of the vegetable juices, though prefer adding some fruits in too, because the kids won’t have it otherwise…and that tastes really good then. However, it’s said that you should have your fruits raw and vegetables should be juiced. 🙂
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
I need to get some kale and spinach. I eat a lot of wild greens, but those are probably better for me.
That was definitely meant to be! Sounds like a very interesting store. So glad you like your new doctor.
I love the synchronicity aspect of this as well, but it is said that the teacher appears when the student is ready. Doncha think?
I’m ready, baby! Now I need a juicer to appear in my kitchen.
When I was a kid, and that was a LONG time ago ’cause I’m older than dirt now, someone LOANED us a juicer. My parents went all juice happy making such lovely concoctions as celery, carrot, beet, cabbage juice.
This we were forced to drink as an aperitif before dinner.
It was worse than the plague and I shall never in my life juice as I have been juicing scared for life.
See that’s what I remember because my mother has made me drink some awful combinations as well, but I had a spinach juice with a little bit of apple and lime juice and it was delicious.
“…many miles away there’s a shadow on the door of a cottage on the shore of a dark Scottish lake…” I believe Synchronicity was a great song by The Police.
The term kismet is new but I have met my fate before. I didn’t think green juice would taste good. Thanks for the info.
“Juicing it up” should be in you fortune cookie.
I love spinach. Of course, I love almost all types of food, except I do not eat alligator or sushi. I do not juice. Instead I drink natural juice that is available in stands all over Honduras: carrot, watermelon, horchata, peach, pineapple. Sometimes, I mix in white wine for antioxidant value of course.
Oh yeah, you need that wine.
Ladies, ladies!
Perleez. If you want to get lean and look good (reduce BMI and stuff) look at your protein intake. What you need to do is forget about weight and concentrate on building lean muscle mass. This (lean muscle mass) is one of the first things that begins to go when you start messing about with diet.
Build lean muscle mass, change shape and be healthy. Eat plenty of greens (whether in juice or not) but make sure you don’t starve your muscles. But also don’t forget they aren’t weightless. Ditch the scales and use a tape measure to get a grip with the shape change. It’s far healthier.
Protein – white meats; fish; lean red meats in moderation.
Kindest regards,
Yeah, I need the greens because my body has a hard time absorbing iron. I absolutely need more lean protein in my diet.
Get your spinach down you, Popeye! Great for the iron content. And with a a good supply of protein in your system, you’ll have no problems with energy levels – except you’ll probably be hyper!
You’re already everywhere and doing loads, extra oomph might just make you manic 🙂
L x
Awww, Claudya, I am so happy for you! Isn’t it lovely when you meet a great doc? 🙂 Right now I am busy visiting the dentist – and I love the way they treat their patients. Nice sense of humor and upfront about what’s going to happen.
Glad you took up juicing. Isn’t it great when its ready? 😀 I am too lazy to make my juice, so I just eat the veg and greens. Hugs! And your doc is right about you being pretty. 🙂
Greens of all kinds are great. I do have a juicer. I like carrots with apples and parsley. I also like greens, especially chard. Fresh juice is so flavorful. Whether you juice or just add more greens to your meals, I hope you notice the extra energy.
I really need that extra energy.
I go in and out of getting enough greens in my diet. It would be awesome to juice but I can’t really afford a juicer. By the way, if anyone generous is reading this comment, my birthday is coming up soon. Just saying…
I’ve recently thought about juicing but didn’t end up getting a juicer (I got a panini maker instead!). But I’m committed to having a better diet. I’ve had two friends get cancer lately. I luckily love veggies but need some better habits. I just saw Dr. Andrew Weil speak lately and that really influenced me as well. I’ve heard about people making Kale chips. My vegetarian brother being one of them. Maybe I’ll try that soon.
Kale chips are sooo good. I think you will love them.
I love spinach. I do not juice. I think I will never drink spinach unless someone prepares an awesome juice for me. Living in Wisconsin, I find that highly unlikely 🙁