I’m not exactly sure when, but a long, long, time ago I was informed that keeping medicine in your bathroom is not a good idea. Something to do with the steam in there. So, I don’t keep medicine in my bathroom. I keep it in a cabinet in the kitchen instead. Up until recently that cabinet has been a cluttered mess with all sorts of expired medication and no order whatsoever. Reaching for one medicine meant knocking a whole bunch of other medicine down. It was time to do something about it and I did, but I took the laziest route possible because who really wants to spend all that effort on a medicine cabinet (more life shelf)? Not me.
Here’s what my medicine shelf looked like before the lazy effort on my part.
Yes, I know, it looks like the place where medicine goes to die.
All I did was go through the contents and get rid of anything that was expired and then I brought in a lazy Susan I bought at Lowe’s online.
Just in case you don’t know, a lazy Susan is a rotating tray. I don’t know why they call her lazy because really she’s the one doing all the work. All you have to do is turn her to get what you want.
After I put lazy Susan in the medicine cabinet and loaded her up, this is what it all looks like.
Now when we need something from the medicine cabinet, all we have to do is give Susan a spin and next thing you know…tada!
Disclosure: I am a member of the Lowe’s Creative Ideas Blogger Network. I was provided with a gift card that I used to complete this project. All statements and opinions are mine. You can connect with Lowe’s on…
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I like that idea for the spice cupboard! Thanks.
Great job, it looks great. I need to do some of that organization!