At the beginning of this year, I decided I would do a combo word of the year/resolution. My word is love and my resolution is to lead with love in all things. I’ve done a few things to remind myself of this word/resolution. I made the screensaver on my computer say “lead with love” and I have this light box that also says “lead with love” sitting in my home office where I can see it every day.
To be honest, leading with love is not always easy. It’s not easy when someone honks at me for no good reason or cuts me off when I’m driving. It’s not easy when I get irritated that I seem to be the only one cleaning at home. Sometimes it’s just a lot easier to be petty than to lead with love and that’s when the Universe steps in and reminds me of my word of the year or resolution.
Like this weekend when I was feeling overwhelmed and under-appreciated. I announced to my family that I would be doing nothing for anyone because I was D-O-N-E. They got the message loud and clear and left me alone.
Then my husband took these pictures while he was out with my youngest daughter for me to use for my Sundays In My City post because he knew I was at home pouting and wouldn’t have time to get out and take any pictures.
ALSO READ: 11 Things I Love About My Husband
He took a picture of love.

This is part of a mural on the side of McKinley Elementary.
He also took a picture of one of my loves in front of love.

I cannot look at my children and not be filled with love.
So you see how the Universe reminded me to get over myself and lead with love? My loving husband took pictures for me to use on my blog and the subject matter of those pictures was love.
I hear you, Universe! Thank you for the reminder. I will …
Lead With Love
San Francisco, CA
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography hop that lets you share your part of the world and lets you travel virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
Let’s travel the world together!
Grab the code from my sidebar.
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