This week I had the pleasure of attending Disney Social Media Moms on the Road conference in San Francisco. It was a half day event and that morning I almost talked myself out of going because…
- I was tired
- My back hurt
- I had so many other things to do
- It was raining
But really and truly the only reason I was really talking myself out of going is that I have anxiety about meeting people face to face and that is not a good enough reason to deprive myself of a wonderful experience. I also knew that if I went I wouldn’t regret it, but if I didn’t I would. So I went and guess what? I did NOT regret it. I learned or was reminded of important lessons such as…
Give your family the time that they deserve. #DisneySMMoms #Disneyontheroad
— Unknown Mami (@UnknownMami) June 25, 2013
Regret and frustration will always be your worst enemies. #DisneySmMoms #Disneyontheroad
— Unknown Mami (@UnknownMami) June 25, 2013
Rock your talents! #DisneySMMoms #Disneyontheroad
— Unknown Mami (@UnknownMami) June 25, 2013
Guilt is a wasted emotion. #DisneySMMoms #Disneyontheroad
— Unknown Mami (@UnknownMami) June 25, 2013
I also got to see friends that I so rarely get to see in the “real” world.
Don’t I look happy to be with my buddy Yolanda from Sassy Mama in LA?
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):

Never hide your talents.

If you’d like to play along, grab a button from the sidebar, link up, and frag on! Also, feel free to check out the dos and don’ts of Friday Fragments.
I get weird about meeting people, especially in big groups. I always have good excuses, too.
I didn’t know you were there too! I’ve been following along with your blog for a while and would have loved to get to meet you face to face 🙂 Oh well, next time!!
🙂 Becky from
thanks for hosting ff. Do you have any info/stories from the meeting to share?
Stories? I ate a rice crispie treat shaped like Mickey Mouse and it was really good.
Of course now I want to know more. Did you eat the ears first? Did it have candy eyes? Was Minnie Mouse represented in rice too?
“Rock your talents” That’s a good one and you’re doing a great job at it.
xo jj
Oh that’s great! I’m sort of anti-social too. Just in large groups. I’m better one-on-one. But glad you had a great time. I love the “Guilt is a wasted emotion”. So true.
I would have been the same way about attending the conference, but so glad you pushed past it all and went and had a good time!
Reading the comments….I love Rice Krispies, but don’t like mice….wondering just how you think it tasted good?!! [kidding]
Loved what you learned, and agoraphobia is easy to overcome. Tho you just suffer from large crowds face to face…. I’ve worked with those who suffer with this before I retired –it’s truly not fun, you’ve overcome and enjoyed meeting people!!
I have your same issues. And I am always talking myself into going to places/events/etc. I’m almost always glad I went.
What if you don’t have talents?
I’m so glad you went because that”guilt is a wasted emotion” quote was for me! Thanks!
Oh good, I’m glad we both got something out of it!
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I always get nervous when I have to meet a bunch of new people. So glad you didn’t talk yourself out of going!
I always get a chuckle out of your Friday Fortune Cookie 🙂
“Guilt is a wasted emotion” Isn’t that the truth!! I was fortunate enough to attend DisneySMmoms and loved every second of it. I’m so glad you went, there really is magic at those events!
PS Hope you don’t mind if I include my blog link here, between Google going away and switching to WordPress I’m feeling rather lost out there!
Of course I don’t mind.
You are adorable 🙂 Glad you stepped outside of your comfort zone and had a good time 🙂 Thanks for hosting!
Being out of our comfort zone is tough, but once we take the risk, it’s always worth it.
So glad you took the risk. Xx
So glad you went!
I hate crowds of any kind and generally avoid meeting new people at all costs so much so that my husband constantly accuses me of being a hermit to which I snap: great! Because I don’t LIKE people.