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I’ve played it as an ice breaker for theater classes or on the first day of rehearsal for a play. Basically you share two truths about yourself and one lie and then people have to guess which one is the lie. Will you play with me? Please!Okay, I’m going to share 3 truths instead of 2 and one lie:
1. I played the accordion with Lawrence Welk.
2. I was once followed by Gary Coleman (scary).
3. Danny Aiello approached me in a parking lot and gave me a hug.
4. My first boyfriend was Ricky Schroeder.
Now you guess which one is the lie and leave 2 truths and one lie about yourself in the comments section for me to guess.
Ricky Schroeder is the lie!1. I've hugged and kissed Robbie Coltrane2. I was temporarily homeless for 3 weeks3. I have a tattoo of daisies and butterflies on my butt with the words "Dolce Est Decorum Est"4. I was once left a poem in lieu of a tip when I was a kid working as a part time waitress; he became a famous writer.
I, too, think the Ricky Schroeder is the lie (only becaue he was MY first boyfreind, LOL!)Here are mine:1. I grabbed Mark McGrath's (Sugar Ray) ass.2. Ralph Tresvant (New Edition) told me he loved me.3. I partied with Madonna (yes, Madonna.)4. I was a regular at the local gay bar on Wed. nights.
well I'm hoping the gary coleman stalker is a lie, def creepy.1. There's a city named after my family in New York2. My uncle owns Forest Lawn Cemeteries(where MJ is currently hanging out)3. Each time I have had a panic attack, someone I am close to has died the next day. 4. My husband made it to the final table of the 2007 World Series Of Poker
Ricky Schroeder is the lie.1. I once kissed America Hoffman (son of Abbie Hoffman).2. I've spent a little bit of time in jail.3. I became a step-grandmother before I became a mother.
1. We have a relative on death row for murdering his wife.2. Someone told me that I should go to personality school today.3. I like mean people.That was too easy, wasn't it?Hugs!!
I gotta go with Ricky Schroeder being the first bf as a lie. I thought I was so original doing this as a post, but I guess not. Bummer! And I can't leave any here because I'm running out of things to share… you'll have to pop over and check out my pop quizes, sorry 🙂
I'm gonna jump on the Ricky bandwagon, but if that was the truth, kudos!1. I have never been skinny-dipping2. I have never been in the back seat of a police car3. I have never been sky-diving4. I have never been to Antarctica
~rubs hands together~ I LOOOOVVVVEEE this game!I am going to say the Lawrence Welk is the lie. Simply based on the fact, I think you are too young and cool for an acordian! 1. I was raised in a conservative 7th day adventist home.2. I spent every summer at a lake cabin in the woods of Idaho.3. I have a hit song on the billboards top 40 charts.4. I marched in a professional drum and bugal corp. Good luck! Let's do this again!~claps hands~*giggles*
I'm toggling between the Ricky Schroeder and the Gary Coleman . . . I'll go with the Ricky Schroeder!1. I turned down a date once with the rapper Q-Tip from the group A Tribe Called Quest.2. My best friend when I was in High School is Mary J. Blige.3. I used to hang out with The Notorious B.I.G. before he became famous.Lol, only from a New Yorker.
Well, which one is the lie??