Last week I was inspired to play the game Two Truths and a Lie by
I’ve played it as an ice breaker for theater classes or on the first day of rehearsal for a play. Basically you share two truths about yourself and one lie and then people have to guess which one is the lie.Well today, I’m going to post what my lie was (I did 3 truths and a lie) and I’m also posting the truths and lies of everyone who played along with my guesses. For all of you that played along, will you please tell me your lies in the comments section?
For those of you who didn’t play last time, feel free to play along this time in the comments section and I’ll post my guesses next Monday.
Okay, here are the truths and lie I posted:
1. I played the accordion with Lawrence Welk.
2. I was once followed by Gary Coleman (scary).
3. Danny Aiello approached me in a parking lot and gave me a hug.
4. My first boyfriend was Ricky Schroeder.
The lie is #4. But for all of you who got it right: Come on, it’s possible!
Helen McGinn said…
Ricky Schroeder is the lie!
1. I’ve hugged and kissed Robbie Coltrane
2. I was temporarily homeless for 3 weeks
3. I have a tattoo of daisies and butterflies on my butt with the words “Dolce Est Decorum Est”
4. I was once left a poem in lieu of a tip when I was a kid working as a part time waitress; he became a famous writer.
For this one I’m guessing #2.
BookLady said…
I, too, think the Ricky Schroeder is the lie (only because he was MY first boyfriend, LOL!)
Here are mine:
1. I grabbed Mark McGrath’s (Sugar Ray) ass.
2. Ralph Tresvant (New Edition) told me he loved me.
3. I partied with Madonna (yes, Madonna.)
4. I was a regular at the local gay bar on Wed. nights.
I’m guessing # 2 is the lie.
Melissa said…
well I’m hoping the gary coleman stalker is a lie, def creepy.
1. There’s a city named after my family in New York
2. My uncle owns Forest Lawn Cemeteries(where MJ is currently hanging out)
3. Each time I have had a panic attack, someone I am close to has died the next day.
4. My husband made it to the final table of the 2007 World Series Of Poker
I’ll go with #3 is the lie.
crazyoatie said…
Ricky Schroeder is the lie.
1. I once kissed America Hoffman (son of Abbie Hoffman).
2. I’ve spent a little bit of time in jail.
3. I became a step-grandmother before I became a mother.
Uh, #2 is the lie?
Green-Eyed Momster said…
1. We have a relative on death row for murdering his wife.
2. Someone told me that I should go to personality school today.
3. I like mean people.
That was too easy, wasn’t it?
Okay # 3.
Tammy Howard said…
I’m gonna jump on the Ricky bandwagon, but if that was the truth, kudos!
1. I have never been skinny-dipping
2. I have never been in the back seat of a police car
3. I have never been sky-diving
4. I have never been to Antarctica
#4 is the lie.
Superstar said…
~rubs hands together~ I LOOOOVVVVEEE this game!
I am going to say the Lawrence Welk is the lie. Simply based on the fact, I think you are too young and cool for an acordian!
1. I was raised in a conservative 7th day adventist home.
2. I spent every summer at a lake cabin in the woods of Idaho.
3. I have a hit song on the billboards top 40 charts.
4. I marched in a professional drum and bugal corp.
Good luck! Let’s do this again!
~claps hands~
Is #3 the lie? If not, what’s the song?
Single Mama NYC said…
I’m toggling between the Ricky Schroeder and the Gary Coleman . . . I’ll go with the Ricky Schroeder!
1. I turned down a date once with the rapper Q-Tip from the group A Tribe Called Quest.
2. My best friend when I was in High School is Mary J. Blige.
3. I used to hang out with The Notorious B.I.G. before he became famous.
Lol, only from a New Yorker.
I’m gonna go with #2 as the lie on this one.
Okay Ladies, don’t leave me hanging. Let me know if I was right.
And feel free to play again if you like.
Sadly, my #2 was the lie – so you were incorrect. Another story for another day…
I didn't play last time but I will play now.1. I one followed Chris Noth (Mr. Big)4 blocks and on to a subway in NYC but lost him in a crowd when he got out.2. I met my husband on a subway while vacationing in NYC.3. I have a blog award for you on my blog.4. I got pregnant at a "The Police" concert. Pretty easy!
Sorry that is incorrect. Unfortunately, and creepily, #3 is true. It's happened 7 or 8 times since I was 18. #4 is a lie.
Right! It's hard for me to lie but if you look at the bottom of my blog, you'll see my P.E.N.I.S. People Encouraging Niceness In Society foundation picture that I stole from Assertagirl last year. I really like niceness. But, if someone is shaking their rugs in my open windows…watch out!!Hugs!!
~snaps fingers~ You must have dug deep in my posting history! LOL You win! YEAHHHHH!!!!
Hahaha..great blog. I love you picture with the bags 🙂 Stopping by from SITS and hope you have a great day!
My lie was No.3….no tattooed butt here! *L* The homeless story I shall share with you another day but briefly, I was 16 and ran away from home. Sad but true. xx
Look at this! What an absolutely fun exchange between bloggers. I love this idea. Oh, and I adore seeing all of these transitions on your site and in you, as a blogger. Look out world, the Unknown Mami may not be so unknown afterall!-Francesca
How fun!! Stopping by from SITS to say Hi!
I would love to see that accordion video!
You're so good! You are right, #2 was the lie. How did you guess? I was gonna make that #3 and then I put it in the middle at the last minute. Would that have made any difference? 😉
Sorry I'm so late in catching up, family outings! Anyway, Ralph did tell me he loved me! (he shouted it out during a concert and he didn't actually KNOW me, but he LOVES me!) So, no, I have never had a chance to party with Madonna — in real life.