Do you think romantic love is a choice? I don’t mean at the very beginning when it takes ahold of you even when you are trying to fight it. I mean later, when your pulse stops involuntarily racing at the sight of the person who used to make your pulse involuntarily race. Then does it become a choice? A choice that you make over and over again.
Or is love like the ocean? Does it ebb and flow?
I don’t know, I’m still living my great love story and the truth is that even when it isn’t great, it’s great or at least it is greater than me. This particular love story challenges and makes me grow. Sometimes I think it is a choice that I make over and over again and other times I feel like I have no choice in the matter. There is something really beautiful about being with someone for a long time and seeing them change, watching them age, and loving them through all of it.
I’m not sure I agree with everything that Bob Marley has to say about love in the quote below, but he makes some very good points.
I’m a sucker for love stories and my life is full of them. They’re not all romantic love stories, but they are most definitely love stories.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry” is a bunch of BS!
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
I am a hopeless romantic too…..I can see both ways of looking at it; some days I feel like I choose to love him and other days, I have no choice!
I love love too. And I love hearing people’s stories on how it happened. I think sometimes falling in love over and over again takes some effort and at other times it just happens.
I am a sucker for sweet love stories too. A die-hard romantic when it comes to living love loud. I think love is a slow burn with hot sparks at times and glowing embers at others.
After 30 years, I have no choice!
I love the Bob Marley letter, I found it about a year ago and printed it out. Thank you for sharing it. I love love …….
My friend Annmarie Kelly (the Victorious Woman Project) believes in the five-year marriage. Romance yes, must be renewed and worked at. I think reevaluating your marriage every five-years and discussing your goals and wishes for the next five and all the changes you both experienced from the last five is a great idea.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Love is just as you feel inside!
I think we choose to love, but some people make that choice easier.haha I also think that there are any number of people who could be our soulmates, not just one. I’m also certain (because of experience) that one can be in love with more than one person at the same time. Today, I’m certain that I am with the love of my life and look forward to seeing the evolution of our relationship.
There is a book in here that I want to read. Hee hee.
Yeah, there’s a stack of those started.haha