I see love everywhere I look. I always have. It’s strange because even though I have my lows, my moments of despair, I never feel at a loss for love. For as long as I can remember I have been living a love story.
Maybe part of the reason I see love everywhere is because I know that love isn’t just romantic love, that love comes in so many shapes and forms. I want to tell you some of my loves stories because I am a sucker for love.
I have no doubt that my first love was my mother, but that love started such a long time ago that I can’t remember the beginning.
The first time I remember falling in love was when my brother was born. I was 8 years old and fell head over heals in love with him. You would have too if you had seen him so small and perfect, so ready to be loved.
I don’t believe it is possible to have friendship without love because I have fallen in love with every single one of my friends and I know that for as long as I live I will keep falling in love with strangers who turn into friends.
Some loves are difficult. Some are not meant to last forever and that’s okay because there is profound courage in loving with no guarantees.
And then there is that love, that love that leads to more, that love that takes your breath away, that love that makes you make promises and build dreams. That love that you commit to. That love that drives you crazy at times, that makes you mad, that makes you want to scream, but is also home, and comfort, and the love you want to run to when you want to run away from everything else. I married that love.
There is another love that is fairly new to me and no one could have possibly prepared me for, the love I feel for my children. It is indescribable and so beautiful it brings tears to my eyes. It connects me to the world in a way that reminds me that love is everywhere I look, it really is.
I see love everywhere I go and I hope you do to.
Right now, I’m loving life and enjoying it with my family. Every day is an adventure. On weekends, the four of us get into the car, my babies (no so baby anymore) strapped safely into their Britax car seats and we see love everywhere we go, sometimes even in leaves shaped like hearts. I think it is because we bring love with us everywhere we go, we pack it in our hearts.
Disclosure: As a Britax Latina Blogger/Advisory Board Member (and in partnership with Mami Innovative Media), this post is part of a sponsored outreach. All opinions expressed are my own.
What a sweet post! I know what you mean those dark moments love is always present.