I don’t know how to explain to my children that on Sunday, June 12 a man who hated gay people so much went into Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida because he knew it would be full of gay people and proceeded to massacre 49 people and injure 53 before he was killed on the scene by a SWAT team. I genuinely don’t know how to explain that type of hate to them because I can’t understand it and I hope they never understand it.
Although, I will never be able to understand anyone being so twisted with hate that they would murder people because of the gender of whom they love, what I can understand is that hate will never kill love, that love will outlast violence, death and even murder. I can understand why so many people took to Twitter to post #LoveIsLove messages.
I realize that a hashtag cannot change what has already happened; I realize that there are cynics amongst us, but I am not one of them. I do think that sending out messages of love and support make a difference. I do believe that outing ourselves on the side of love, of equality, of solidarity matters. Sure, we need to follow it up with action because words and hashtags can’t get the job done, but that message of love is crucial right now.
So, even though I am doing my best to keep my children, who are still so very young, from seeing the images that have made me sob with every fiber of my being because no one should be killed for loving, I won’t keep them from seeing and understanding the outpouring of support. I want them to know that love is love.
I leave you with 49 #LoveIsLove tweets in honor of the 49 victims. I cannot bring myself to leave you with 50 even though so many news outlets put the number of deaths at 50 and yes 50 people died, but one of them was the murderer himself. I cannot group him with the beautiful people who lost their lives through no fault of their own. I want to focus on the love and the lovers not on the hate and the haters.
49 #LoveIsLove Tweets
Homosexuality is not a crime. Murder is. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/d3hMmPjF3J
— rhi (@RhiannonKlaczok) June 13, 2016
#LoveisLove How are people still denying this? How are people still refusing other basic human rights? HOW ARE PEOPLE STILL KILLING PEOPLE?!
— Carrie Hope Fletcher (@CarrieHFletcher) June 13, 2016
I Am A Queer Muslim And Please Remember That Terrorism Isn’t Tied To Faith #LoveIsLove https://t.co/ZyIwlHqC0P pic.twitter.com/jxvKtwO2LZ
— Thought Catalog (@ThoughtCatalog) June 13, 2016
Deal with it. pic.twitter.com/EtQOqxel2b
— Barry Sloane (@BarrySloane) June 13, 2016
There wouldn’t be this mourning without hate. But there is no mourning without love. And this is how even in death, love wins.#LoveIsLove
— Juan Miguel Severo (@TheRainBro) June 13, 2016
WATCH: “Love is love is love… cannot be killed or swept aside.” – @Lin_Manuel at #TonyAwards. #LoveIsLove https://t.co/4OKl2W5859
— Good Morning America (@GMA) June 13, 2016
There has never been a more urgent time for love. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/9qsEqoumAL
— TwitterOpen (@TwitterOpen) June 13, 2016
No one should be killed for loving a person. No one should be disowned for being gay. No one should feel less than a human. #LoveIsLove
— ️ (@TypicalSarra) June 12, 2016
Beautiful act of solidarity after such a horrific event. United we stand #loveislove pic.twitter.com/jNLgVNTUQz
— Jessica Feeney (@jessicagfeeney) June 13, 2016
#LoveIsLove shows how amazing the internet can be to spread love and support instead of hate. you are beautiful love yourself and stay safe!
— Dan Howell (@danisnotonfire) June 12, 2016
Love is equal.. ❤ #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/KFM7zUedTc
— Bobby Norris (@BobbyCNorris) June 13, 2016
don’t just tweet “#LoveIsLove” & call it a day. call out homophobia + transphobia. call out your loved ones & friends. do your part. please.
— Renzo M. (@renzosaurus) June 13, 2016
Everyone should watch this because the important thing is that we’re all people. We’re all equal #loveislove pic.twitter.com/ls3U9Y4D72
— #1 lourry stan (@homo_tommo) June 13, 2016
ALSO READ: 57 Celebrity Twitter Reactions to the Death of Prince
Can’t stop thinking about the tragedy that happened in #Orlando. Love is not a sin. #LoveisLove ✨✨ ❤️ #LoveWins pic.twitter.com/jtlhS9GYjh
— Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton) June 13, 2016
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all in Orlando #LoveisLove pic.twitter.com/NxUFUcudIW
— Marc Jacobs (@marcjacobs) June 13, 2016
I don’t see any difference.#LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/meut0DnhRn
— Kry ☁️ (@freehugsjuss) June 13, 2016
i see no difference. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/jj8oV5aOKg
— ️ (@jdbestest) June 13, 2016
All our lives are so precious and valuable, no matter what people label us or believe us to be #Loveislove pic.twitter.com/45KCw4xmNz
— Hollyy (@JustHollyy) June 13, 2016
LET THERE BE LOVE ❤️ #LoveIsLove Enjoy and embrace each others differences. They make the a beautiful place. pic.twitter.com/hovwWOKlJY
— Christina Aguilera (@AguileraOnline) June 13, 2016
More love. Less hate. #loveislove pic.twitter.com/DaQjUgsebQ
— Team Mizuhara (@TeamMizuhara) June 13, 2016
THIS IS SO CUTE, OMG#LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/AFZh0Fb0W7
— andrea -109 (@electricjoshler) June 13, 2016
the hardest challenge is to be urself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else pic.twitter.com/hct4knE0U9
— Danny (@WhereRmycookies) June 13, 2016
#LoveIsLove!!! Nothing else needs to be said. pic.twitter.com/S6hfS1QbwF
— Matthew Dominguez (@Matt_Dominguez) June 13, 2016
Guess what.
I’m Human.
Just like you… #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/sPLuAOdzCE
— Inkquisitive (@Inkquisitive) June 12, 2016
“We need to accept and love people for who they are.” – Britney Spears #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/tPj93M2WmW
— BritneyArmy (@SlaveForUBrit) June 13, 2016
The course of humanity is upwards. I’m a romantic- I believe we can always be better. #loveislove pic.twitter.com/kQwbZQxK64
— Dr Robert Bohan (@RobertBohan) June 14, 2016
Love is a human experience, not a political/religious statement. No one should ever feel unsafe because of who they love. #LoveIsLove
— Steven Grecia (@StevenMGrecia) June 13, 2016
This young person gives me hope #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/qaZupInsq1
— Jenny Scrivens (@JenScrivs) June 13, 2016
“Rest in Peace, Drew & Juan. A couple who lost their lives last night.” #PrayForOrlando #LoveIsLove #Orlando pic.twitter.com/Y26HkFq0UM
— Eduardo Samaniego (@EduarSamani) June 13, 2016
I’m in tears #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/pOswNNBDHy
— sarah snyder (@SARAHFCKNSNYDER) June 13, 2016
“hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” – Martin Luther King Jr. #Pray4Orlando #loveislove
— Will Jay (@willjaymusic) June 12, 2016
ALSO READ: 5 Quotes About Change Because You Can Resist, but You Cannot Stop Change
They won’t show this image on the news today #LOVEISLOVE pic.twitter.com/PaEYILEZmu
— Protest Pictures (@ProtestPics) June 13, 2016
I don’t understand why people are homophobic. How can you have so much hatred for someone else’s happiness? #loveislove
— Robyn misses aaron (@EspinosaLikely) June 12, 2016
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/WouWYCLI33
— Potterhead Posts (@PotterheadPosts) June 12, 2016
My Twitter promotes love, tolerance & understanding. I support peaceful individuals of all backgrounds. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/bIObtRQSw2
— Leah West (@LeahWestMusic) June 13, 2016
we’re not choosing who to love, we can’t tell our hearts who to love, we’re all LIVING just ONCE so let’s live in peace #LoveIsLove
— anka (@secutebelieber) June 12, 2016
Life should be about more than just surviving. Don’t we deserve better than that?#LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/pqA1vwfNw2
— x (@heda_clexa) June 12, 2016
We may come from different places, and speak in different tongues, but our hearts beat as one. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/Qg0iFMfsjA
— stark (@voidtommo) June 12, 2016
Love is the frequency
of your soul.Your soul has no gender.#LoveIsLove#ShineOn pic.twitter.com/F3vdAL4cg6
— Gordana Biernat (@MyPowertalk) June 12, 2016
don’t say nothing, only see this #loveislove pic.twitter.com/tURzwqnX51
— cam ADORES marta (@focusonhesc) June 12, 2016
Nothing has changed.#loveislove pic.twitter.com/jCU40Y4qPM
— Bry (@BryOnTour) June 12, 2016
❤️ the best way to fight back is to believe in equality more than you did yesterday #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/NK8lqlC8wc
— Raphael Gomes (@raphablueberry) June 12, 2016
even the sky outside makes a statement #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/dojgcCL5h2
— Janet ❌ 31 (@chirpy_irwin) June 13, 2016
Love not guns.#LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/u2NkRxZBaG
— HeardinLondon (@HeardinLondon) June 13, 2016
Spread love. #loveislove pic.twitter.com/WZlWaqOBq0
— Wattpad (@wattpad) June 13, 2016
Outside @TheGeorgeBar in Dublin. #loveislove pic.twitter.com/xj373qFBM9
— Liam Geraghty (@Liam_Geraghty) June 13, 2016
Hate will never win, Ryerson. #LoveIsLove
(PC: @goldsbie) pic.twitter.com/Mmiz3U0aKC
— Ryerson Student Life (@RUStudentLife) June 13, 2016
Half mast flag at St Andrew’s House today #Edinburgh #loveislove pic.twitter.com/griIKbGqa9
— Edinburgh Spotlight (@edinspotlight) June 13, 2016
Let us not remember the shooter, but instead focus on the victims. #LoveIsLove pic.twitter.com/FYMZ9L2Xax
— ABC7News (@ABC7News) June 13, 2016
I’ll spread a comment. I’m still not on twitter but thanks for listing those. I do agree with @TheRainBro.
Love does beat hate. Just respect for diversity would go a long way too. My nephew inspired my take on this tragedy. http://afcsoac.blogspot.com/2016/06/we-dont-know-why.html
It is so sad a tragic. It is all so hard to process. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who lost their loved ones.