I like my job, but I like my weekends even better YO! For the first time since Unknown Papi and I created a family with nothing but desire and our loins, we have entire weekends off together. Before we would be lucky to get one entire day together as a family and now every weekend feels like a mini-vacation and I LOVE it.
I’m one of those people that is over-sensitive. Things get to me and they stay with me. This is good and this is bad. Good things I want to stay with me, bad things I would rather shake off. Strangely enough, my job, which requires that I regularly read about a whole lot of terrible things in the world and then write about them is training me to shake off the bad. I just can’t let that stuff stay and fester. Oh no. The only way to combat the bad is by looking for some good, which fortunately there is plenty of if you take the time to look. Laughter does me much good, so I tend to look for things that make me laugh.
Here are a ménage à trois of things that made me laugh this week…
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. Well, pick one you stupid dickmunch.
— Yuri Nall (@cornlog) October 11, 2013
Day 10 of the shutdown: Chaos reigns. The moon attacks the sun. Vin Diesel stares at a candy cane, desperately trying to find Waldo.
— Guy Endore-Kaiser (@GuyEndoreKaiser) October 10, 2013
I was trying to scratch my balls and then I remembered I don’t have any! #soforgetful
— Unknown Mami (@UnknownMami) October 11, 2013
It’s true, sometimes I crack myself up!
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Why cry when you can laugh instead?
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
I don’t know, I think I do live for the weekends sometimes.
I wad definitely in need of this weekend! Love the tweets. 🙂
Having the ability to crack yourself up is a gift.
Totally understand the weekends together feeling like a mini vacation. They happen so rarely around here that we thrive off of them.
So glad you have weekends together, that is awesome!
Love the funnies…..
So, what’s the secret for letting things go?
HA! I’m giggling about your lack of balls.
time with your kids when they are enjoying life – the best no matter what day of the week. The balls tweet – gave me a laugh. You have had some funny body part stuff recently. Be sure to keep it all straight.
I am trying to live in and find something positive each day. It does get tough sometimes.
I agreed to work Saturday this weekend. I get so mad at myself after I agree to such things. It did turn out to be okay because I went to visit with a hospice patient who wanted to go to a craft fair. I took her. How could I not be happy seeing her smile.
You make me laugh:)
Laughing is so important. I can’t wait for a job that gives me weekends off, I won’t know what to do with myself.
It’s pretty nuts after spending a lifetime working weekends.