My youngest daughter had her first soccer game at fields in San Francisco’s Marina District. This was the view across from the soccer fields. Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. It was a gorgeous day in a gorgeous city.
San Francisco, CA
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ALSO READ: Conservatory of Flowers (Sundays In My City)
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Rhonda Albom says
I love that view. I used to live in the Marina district on Octavia near Chestnut.
Maggie says
Can almost feel the breeze coming in off the water – love that spot.
LydiaCLee says
Just lovely. So calming,
Jeanna Olson says
That’s a far cry from the muddy fields and suburban streets I had to freeze my tail off in. Beautiful captures.
Molly says
Now that id definitely a view that would make being a scoocer mum that bit more interesting
Nita says
That is a very beautiful view. I hope your daughter enjoyed her first game.
deborahpucci says
So beautiful! I need to visit again.