A couple of weeks ago Melisa at Who’s Your Mommy? Mommy is in the Bathroom tagged me in a meme ( I thought it should be pronounced Me Me because it’s going to be all about me, but she informed me it rhymes with dream).
Here are the rules:1. Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag other people.Sounds simple enough, right?
What is your current obsession?
Blogging. I refer to it as blogoholism.
What are you wearing today?
I’m naked under my clothes. Did I make you blush?
What’s for dinner?
We had bbq chicken, zucchini, corn, and mashed potatoes made by my brother-in-law’s lover (they don’t call each other boyfriend and girlfriend so I tease them by referring to them as lovers).
What would you eat for your last meal?
If I knew it was going to be my last meal, I’d be too nervous to eat.
What are you listening to right now?
My brother in law is playing reggae on his computer , my husband is watching TV, and I can hear the oven heating up a pie.
Which language do you want to learn?
What do you love most about where you currently live?
What’s not to love? San Francisco is a beautiful diverse city full of interesting people.
What style is your current home decorated in?
My style.
If you were a time traveler what era would you live in?
No time like the present baby. I would not want to go back in time because I might not have the right to vote or many of the freedoms I enjoy today. If I had to time travel, I guess I would chose the future where hopefully we will have figured out how to respect each other and be kind.
What is your favorite color?
Every few years it changes.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
Whatever fits. I need to lose weight in order to fit into most of the clothes I own.
What were you doing ten years ago?
Being me, 10 years younger.
If you had $300 now, what would you spend it on?
Save it for bills since hubby is unemployed right now.
When was the last time you cried?
When I found out I need more dental work. Will it ever end?
What are your favorite films?
Wings of Desire, Harold and Maude, Waiting for Guffman, A Lion in Winter, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Your favorite books?
Anything by Milan Kundera (sometimes I think I’m a character in one of his books).
Do you collect anything?
What makes you follow a blog?
Humor, good writing, interesting perspective.
What was the most enjoyable thing you did today?
We went to a 1 year old’s birthday party and met new people.
Ann’s Question:What makes you comment on a blog?
Sometimes I comment because I like the blogger, sometimes because I can’t help myself.
Amy’s Question:What is your favorite thing to do when you have some free time?
Annissa’s Question: As you know I homeschool — If you could would you? Do you agree with homeschooling?
I would not homeschool. I think it takes a particular type of brilliance to be a good teacher and I do not see that brilliance in myself. I have no problem with people homeschooling if it’s right for them. I do strongly believe in the public school system even though at the moment it is a mess.
Tonya’s Question:What is a talent you wished you had?
I would love to sing beautifully, to be able to make music with my voice.
Kyooty’s Question: If you could be any other animal other then Human, what would you be?
A killer whale.
Carrin’s Question: Rush just told me that by 2042, white people will be the minority. Do you beleive that? Would that be a big deal to you?
I believe it and I have no problem with it. I’ve embraced the concept of La Raza Cosmica for a very long time.
Melissa’s Question: Would you want your blog to be as popular as Dooce? What would be some of the pros and cons?
Uh, Hell Yeah! At the moment I do not see any cons. The pro would be that it would feed my incessant need for attention.
My Question: What do you admire most about yourself? Don’t be modest.
As far as tagging goes, I tag Pink Peony and you if you are game.
You like 'Waiting for Guffman' and 'Harold and Maude'. I wish I could find a better word, but I find that to be just – delightful.
You crack me up! I love it!
Jeremiah and I jokingly call each other 'life partner'…mainly because I said I always feel silly calling him my 'boyfriend'. After all, we are 28 and 31…
This is great, I always love learning more about my blogging friends!Thanks for stopping by and to answer your question, come back for Part 4 of my adoption story…I'll have more information on her biological father there!God bless!
Thanks for stopping by, can you believe the owners of that house don't want to get rid of that mold. Anyhow, love your post! My favorite movie was Grease, corny I know, I had the Album and sang all the songs:)
I might have to give this a try. I love the questions and some of your answers make me want to give you a real hug! Especially the one where you said "…..If I had to time travel, I guess I would chose the future where hopefully we will have figured out how to respect each other and be kind."That is awesome. Wouldn't that be nice?Hugs!!
I did it! Thanks! That was fun!Hugs!!
I love all your movie picks. I just watched H&M yesterday. One of my favs. 🙂
Huh, I swear someone awhile ago told me it WAS pronounced me me. I prefer that, so I think I'm going to continue to say that in my head :)You dinner sounds yum… but I have to ask how one plays raggae on the computer. I'm intrigued!
good to meme, I mean meet you… stopping by from SITS and following your blog 😉
… also grabbed the button for my blog.
Cute blog! I stopped by from SITS to say hi. I'm following you now. Feel free to stop by my blog!
Gosh I love "Wings of desire" – you refer to the original Wim Wenders movie? And Milan Kundera.
So much info! Feel like I know you even better now. Did I know you were in SF, though? Hubby is from there…whole in-law family lives there, in Pacifica. Kinda cool, and interesting that all of the people are like best are from CA. 🙂 I'm from there, too, but you know, the MUCH cooler part, L.A. 😉 Good job being first on SITS!
I had to stop by when I saw your profile pic. It made me giggle.I just recently had a cry over the dentist work. It's not only costly, but painful. Eck!Stopping by from SITS.
Happy hump day from a fellow SITSta!
Oh, and I snagged a button too 🙂
Blogoholism is one of the best (and most accurate) things I have heard! A visiting SITSta.
Love your answers…I usually don't make it to the end of reading that type of post but yours kept me interested til the end. Congrats on being first on SITS! I have never made it earlier than #128!lol
What is your bloggy obsession, what are you wearing.. are you sure this isn't some creapy blog stalking 42 year old guy who lives in his mom's basement? ha haStopped by from SITS, to answer your desperate call for the attention of strangers on the net. No worries, I too am needy (he he he)
Hi. Stopping by from SITS. Cute blog. I like your answers for the meme.
From SITS. Cute blog!
I am a former #1 commenter from SITS. Isn't it fun getting all the comment love? I agree with you on several things…1-I too thought it was pronounced me-me (he,he), 2-I cry about the never ending dental work :(, 3- I believe in public school as well, despite the current state of it. Oh by the way (I'm sure you get this a lot), that is one funny profile picture!!
Okay! I stopped by yours now you need to come see me! Adorable blog!
Congrats on being #1 on SITS. Love your blog. Come visit me. I post marital secrets for young wives, mothers, and couples.
Do they have meetings for blogaholics? I think I need to join! LOVE SF, lived there for 5 years during and after college, in the Presidio, wish I never would have left!!
Great game! Stopping by from SITs!
Okay, my closet is full of clothes I can't get rid of because they WILL fit me again, dang it! They will . . . .
Stopping by from SITS. I think this is my first time at your blog and I can't wait to take a better look around!
Whos your mommy? Haha. You are too funny, stop it. You're starting to overshadow me lol OBVISOUSLY KIDDING. Which willy wonka version is your favorite? I hope you say Johnny Depp. Oh BTW, I'm putting up your award you gave me like years ago soon.. you know for being a good friend. And no, me taking so long is not cause for you to take it back! Nice work on the first SITS girl today! U rock!
I just did this the other day too!
Great Movie pics and just LOVE your blog!Stopping by from SITS to say hi and invite you to our Getaway Giveaway, 2 Round Trip Airline Tickets & a Sweet Spot Pink Putter.Help support our charity & maybe even win a super cool prize!www.spiritjump.org
Stopped by from SITS. Your answers cracked me up. I'm in definite agreement with your favorite thing to to with your free time- sleep. LOL. Very funny blog!
Saying hi from SITS…I think if I was going to die I would be too nervous to eat too. Your blog is fun!!
Stopping by from sits and I loved the questions. The answer where you were naked under your clothes LOL!!! Brilliant:)
Love your Meme! Stoppin by from SITS to say hey!Dawn
Thank for stopping by today!
Came by from SITS. Love your profile pic!