My head has been spinning ever since I heard about the interview Sean Penn conducted with El Chapo (Joaquín Guzmán Loera) while El Chapo was on the lam. Honestly, I thought it was a joke at first. I mean I know Sean Penn is all kinds of audacious and does whatever the eff he wants, but I just could not imagine Spicoli interviewing El Chapo, but then I read the Rolling Stone piece “El Chapo Speaks” and I was like WHOA Spicoli totally went there.
The whole connect was facilitated by the Mexican actress Kate del Castillo who has developed some kind of weird friendship with the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel after a tweet she made in 2012 saying that she trusted El Chapo more than the government. Apparently, El Chapo was flattered and they’ve been in touch ever since.
The piece, Sean Penn and Rolling Stone have been getting all kinds of criticism on moral, ethical and WTF grounds and I can’t say that I disagree with much of it, but I might have been willing to go with it if the actual interview was some kind of revelatory awesomeness. I’m sorry to say it is not. I love Sean Penn as an actor and I would love to love him as a writer or journalist, but this interview was LAME. I agree with the following tweet:
I learned more about #seanpenn than #ElChapoGuzman in @RollingStone piece. Kept on waiting for it, waiting, waiting. #SeanPenndejo #ElChapo
— Francisca Vigaud-W. (@cubanahumana) January 11, 2016
I learned NOTHING new about one of the most notorious drug lords ever, instead I got to read unriveting prose like this:
I throw my satchel into the open back of one of the SUVs, and lumber over to the tree line to take a piss. Dick in hand, I do consider it among my body parts vulnerable to the knives of irrational narco types, and take a fond last look, before tucking it back into my pants.
Sigh…as if I really needed a visual of Sean Penn with dick in hand taking a wizz. The piece was a whole lot of Sean Penn and the parts where El Chapo actually answers questions are bland with no follow up. How could anyone make El Chapo seem bland? Oh, maybe because Sean Penn wasn’t actually able to be there when El Chapo answered his questions and the questions were asked by someone who certainly wasn’t going to press the big bad cartel boss. It appears that Sean Penn’s secret meeting led to El Chapo’s recapture, so there’s that I guess and also there is the internet’s reaction to the whole ordeal. Check it out…
11 Memes That Perfectly Describe the Internet’s Reaction to Sean Penn’s Interview With El Chapo
Hahaha best meme of the week! Jeff spicolli had a revelation this morning! #chapo #elchapo #narcos #drugs #weed #seanpenn #hollywood #la #oc #ocean #spicolli #lmfao Happy Monday yall! A photo posted by Julio Arana (@classiccarrealtor) on
The one below should really be captioned “Narco Libre”…am I right?
v excited about this sequel #NachoLibre2 #SeanPenn #JackBlack #ElChapo A photo posted by Alex Adan (@alexanderdoo) on
Mamma mia! #elchapo #seanpenn A photo posted by Andy (@andyygarciaaa) on
ALSO READ: 23 El Chapo Memes That Perfectly Capture the Reaction to His Recapture
Ned Stark, again, about to get his head chopped off #gameofthrones #got #NedStark #ISIS #seanpenn #NotTheOnion A photo posted by The Heart Doc! (@drhajjiri) on
#SeanPenn #ElChapo – #BFFs A photo posted by Ann Kennedy (@american_exceptionalism) on
#ElChapo #SeanPenn – #BFFs A photo posted by Ann Kennedy (@american_exceptionalism) on
#SeanPenn A photo posted by Good Celebrity (@goodcelebrity) on
Lo que compre ahorita llegando a legoland ah raza #seanpenn #elchapoguzman #legolandcalifornia A photo posted by Hugo A Herrera (@hugohdlt) on
You won’t find me #seanpenn I’m out til next weekend! A photo posted by George Gonzalez (DJ George) (@simdjgeorge) on
#Spicoli #pacman #seanpenn A photo posted by Eliot Range (@eliotrange) on
And last, but not least this one I made just for you Internets:
Have you read the interview? What do you think about the whole situation?
I’m not one who watches the news, I’m ill informed most of the time but when I heard about this story it just sounded so absurd!
I think absurd is a good word to describe it.
I had to look up Spicoli – I didn’t see that one so I didn’t recognize the character but I see how it plays so well in the meme. I liked his role in “I Am Sam”.
Yes this part of the story reconfirms my belief that truth is stranger than fiction.
Hey, I think I have post up that you’ll enjoy.