It’s been a little over 3 weeks since I shared the potentially horrible news we were given at our first sonogram. Since then we have been back for 2 more sonograms and with each visit the news gets incrementally better.
It started out with my amniotic fluid being low and no kidneys being detected in the baby, then the second visit saw a slight increase in my fluid and evidence of at least one kidney, the most recent visit shows another slight increase in my fluid and although they still can’t actually see the kidneys I am far enough along that if there were no kidneys the fluid would be decreasing not increasing. The doctor believes (based on blood flow) that the baby has one kidney in the “right” place and another kidney in the pelvic cavity. I’ll take it!!!
It’s hard to be over-joyed because my fluid is still low and that can cause all kinds of problems from lack of lung development to pre-term delivery. But things are definitely looking up and I am grateful for every little bit of hope. We have to go back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks. Can I just tell you how tired I am of going in for ultrasounds? It is emotionally exhausting to always be in worry and waiting mode.
My first pregnancy was unbelievably difficult because I was not doing well, but my baby was; this pregnancy I feel fine, but we’re concerned about the baby. Perhaps it is too much to ask for, but I wish I could just have a joyous pregnancy.
So that’s where we are with the pregnancy right now. Thank you for your continued support and kindness.
On another note:
Three years ago today, Unknown Papi and I became Mr. and Mrs. Unknown.
Hi! 🙂 I’m sure the Dr has already told you what you need to do to increase your amniotic fluid levels. So you don’t need to hear it from me. I’m just wondering… if you ate a lot of food that was full of fluid, would it help? Like watermelon. Cantaloupe. Chicken soup. That kind of stuff? I don’t know if it’s any help.
Congratulations on your anniversary and YAY on a good news for Put Pie’s little sister!
Actually, he did not really have any suggestions on how to increase the amniotic fluid. I’ve just been doing rest and lots of lots of liquids. He said, “Just keep doing whatever you have been doing.”
Yes! Any bit of hope is still…hope! We will continue to pray that you can move from hope to Joy!
Blessings on your Day, and Congratulations!
Things have seemed to sound more positive for the baby since that first sonogram. I think about you often and keep sending lots of loving thoughts your way. Best wishes to you and your husband on your three year wedding anniversary.
Oh this news makes me so happy. Big hugs. Still praying. If you need anything let me know. Happy Anniversary!!
praise God from whom all blessings flow…
praising Him for this tidbit of positive news. praying for your fluid levels and for a happy gestation period. sending prayers for you!
Happy Anniversary and thank God for good news!!!! I keep praying for you. 🙂
Yay. 🙂 On all fronts. I’ll take any and all bits of good news. Happy Anniversary. You deserve much happiness and tranquility.
Wonderful news…so glad to hear it!
I will continue to keep you in my thoughts…..
I hope for just a few seconds you and the Mr. can relax and enjoy.
Happy Anniversary.
Praise God! I am so happy for you!! Each week will get better…gotta keep those positive thoughts flowing! Happy Anniversary to you as well 🙂
Yay for better news!!! Hopefully in 2 weeks the news will be great!
Congratulations to you & Papi a joyus day to celebrate for sure!
Question for ya… are you SUPER tall? I imagined Papi being at least 6′ from all the pics of him and in the pics of you two together you are his height.
Technically, in these photos I am taller than him because I’m wearing
a small heel. I am 5’10”. I believe that qualifies me as tall.
Great news about your baby. We are all very happy for you. Speaking of happy – Happy Anniversary. October is a great month. Mrs. MM and I will celebrate 18 years on the 9th.
I’m so happy to hear the positive news!!!!
And Congratulations!!!!!!!!
Oh I hope your baby will be all right. I’ve heard that the women with the worst morning sickness etc have the healthiest babies. It’s like a sick joke. Anyway, here’s hoping the baby gets healthier and you get sicker. =)
Happy anniversary! That is wonderful! I love the pics, thanks for sharing!
I am happy the news keeps getting better and better. Just rest…I know hard to do with Put Pie running around, but do your best, and I will keep praying.
Happy anniversary! congrats to both of you. Could you share anymore about the photos? such as where it is?
The photos were taken at S.F. City Hall.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. And that is good news. I will keep you in my prayers.
You two walking hand in hand are adorable, just adorable! I am so thrilled for these positive signs with the baby!
Happy Anniversary…….3 years of marriage bliss already. Time does fly by.
Glad to hear the encouraging news from your last test.
Happy Anniversary! I am overjoyed to hear that the news is getting better each and every time you go to the doctor. I don’t understand why it must be so difficult for some to get pregnant, others to have children and then some can have uneventful full term pregnancies and not care for their babies afterwards. I do not, do not, but I don’t question His motives, just believe that he knows our hearts better than we do.
I will keep praying for your strength!!!
I am sure everything will be okay. Happy anniversary :), many more wonderful years to you and Papi Unknown.
I was thinking about you this morning, wondering how things went yesterday. I agree, that is wonderful news given where this story began three weeks ago. I hope, trying as they are, that with each sonogram the news continues to just be better and better.
I hope you are able to relax just a little and enjoy your anniversary too.
I’ve been so insanely busy lately I’ve almost forgotten the internet exists at times, but even then I’ve been hoping things were well for you. I’m so happy to hear the encouraging news, and fingers and toes crossed that it just keeps getting better and better. Happy anniversary!
I know how hard it is to “rest” with a toddler around, but it is important. I ended up on bedrest for 13 weeks starting when my oldest was not quite 14 months old, (long story) drinking more than I ever thought I could while laying on my left side. It was all worth it. That baby is now 20 and absolutely handsome.
(I LOVE that shot of you guys walking down the long hallway….into wedded bliss 😉
Congratulations on your anniversary and hooray for small but positive steps in the right direction.
Happy Anniversary! I pray things continue to improve for your baby.
Happy aniversary my dear friend….I just believe all is going to work ok great;)
sending posotive thoughts always.
Happy anniversary and always thinking of you and keeping fingers crossed! You’re doing great!
So glad to hear that you got good news. If there is another kidney that is not in the right spot, can they fix that? Still hoping it all turns out well. Congratulations on your anniversary. What a beautiful building to get married in.
He didn’t seem to concerned about the possibility of the kidney being in the pelvic area. When I asked about it, he said that because it’s a girl it just needed to be checked when she is born.
Big or small, hope is still hope. I’m glad to hear encouraging news and I hope it continues!
Happy anniversary!!!
Glad you got some more encouraging news!
Nice pics, look at that ass! *whistles*
That is fantastic news! I hope it just keeps getting better and better.
Happy Anniversary too!!
Great news! Things seem to be going in the right direction and I am so happy to hear it. Please take really good care of yourself.
Happy anniversary.
I hope the good news just keeps on coming. Happy Anniversary!
So glad to hear things are looking better! Stay positive – it’s the best thing you can do to keep your immune system top-knotch! Beautiful wedding photos!
happy anniversary!! wishing you many more years of wedded bliss!! thanking God for a good update after your ultrasound. I was actually praying that you would have more amniotic fluid so I consider it an answer to prayer! will continue to keep you and your baby in my prayers
Thank you so much. You have been so unbelievably kind and supportive.
This is wonderful news. I am glad things are looking better. I’ve been worried about you. It cracks me up when kids start rooting for us going potty! Love the pic of you and Unknown Papi walking out of the church hand in hand to face the world as a married couple, jsut beautiful. Happy anniversary. And hugs. I’m still praying for all to be well with the little one.
Happy Anniversary…
awards for you.
I have been thinking of you a lot lately and just hoping for good things for you. I know this is so difficult on you and it should be a happy time.
I love your wedding dress, so simple and beautiful. Happy Anniversary! I hope you were able to set your worries aside for a little bit and enjoy your day with Unknown Papi.
Congratulations on the Anniversary and for sharing the pictures. you both looked lovely. I am glad that there has been some good news. I am glad you feel fine, and of course you are going to worry. just know you remain in my prayers. I don’t know anything about pregnancies as I never had any children. I hope things get better and better with better news every time. hugs.
Happy Anniversary and congrats on the encouraging news. Hope is a good thing 🙂
Felicidades, amiga! May God bless you and Unknown Papi with many years of happiness and wedded bliss. 🙂
And what great news about the baby. I will continue to keep you and baby in my prayers.
Happy Anniversary! As I read this I wanted to scream out of joy. I do know the frustration of having so many ultrasounds and wanting things to just be okay. I will continue to pray for the babies good health and of course yours too. XX
I’ve been a VERY bad bloggy friend for the past couple of months and I want to apologize for not visiting as often as I used to.
I want to say CONGRATULATIONS on your growing baby bump.
And muchisimas felicidades en tu aniversario!
Nicole {The Wannabe WAHM}
No worries, friend. Life can sometimes keep us busy. Hope you and your beautiful family are well.
A joyous pregnancy is not too much to ask for. I can only imagine how tired you are. I’ve been in different situations with my children that are draining in just about every way, but never anything regarding my unborn child. Praying for a supernatural, overcoming strength for you! I’m so thankful that each sonogram offers up a little more hope!
Happy anniversary!
Hola Chica!!
Feliz Aniversario!
Me dio mucho gusto leer la nuevas noticias sobre tu bebe …. ♥♥♥
Siempre te mantengo en mis oraciones…♥
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that they are worried about the baby. I haven’t been blogging at all lately and I missed everything. I totally apologize! You must have thought I was a cretin and didn’t love you anymore. I really hope that everything turns out to be okay with your little baby. I had some ultrasounds with Nino where they thought that his kidneys looked dicey. But in the end, it turned out that he was fine. I wonder if kidneys are hard to see correctly with ultrasound. I will say lots of prayers for your baby’s health and for your own mental sanity. I know it is so hard to be waiting to hear what is going on in these situations. Lots of love coming your way.
As I said before Mami, I’m looking forward to positive news. It keeps coming with each post about your prenancy. We’re heading in the right direction.
And look at that….you’re just as tall as him. I guess he doesn’t have a chance to look down on you. LOL
GLad to hear that things are looking better!! Ang congrats to you on your anniversary!
Congrats on the anniversary! And also, I’m delighted to learn your encouraging news. I just knew it would work out and I am especially thrilled with God at the moment. I’m praying for you to have a trouble-free time for the rest of your pregnancy and a nice delivery. xxxxx
I am soooo glad to hear that baby is doing better!!! In the meantime, you are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary! Your dress was adorable…even if all I can see is the back.
Happy Anniversary!!! Looks like you had a very stylish wedding. Love the dress.
And pleased to hear you have received more encouraging news. Day by day things do seem to be getting more and more positive.
That’s fantastic news – both the anniversary (Happy Anniversary!!) and the baby. 🙂
Happy Anniversary. May the heavens and stars and moon and angels bless you with many, many more. I’m keeping you and unknown papi and that little baby in my prayers every day.
Congrats on your joyous three years together as Mr and Mrs.
I hope you continue to receive good news and pray all will be good for your baby.
Oh I am so happy to read that you received more encouraging news. Will keep sending positive healthy baby vibes your way. Happy Anniversary too!! Try and enjoy your day!
wonderful wonderful~~
the baby news,
and the anniversary. the photos are so touching. something about the light and dark and the hand holding in the shadows…
I’m happy to see you’re more positive today…
Happy anniversary!
Happy belated anniversary. And I’m glad to hear this positive news. Hang in there, Mami.
Thank you for letting us know how it is going. Those appointments must be really hard and as you say, the waiting in between isn’t any fun. Bit by bit, hope and prayers seem to be turning into good news.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Those photos are so lovely! Even though we can’t see your faces, I can still tell from the way you are holding each other’s hand that you’ve both got stars in your eyes! – G
Wishing you an Papi a very happy anniversary!
Encouraging news on your pregnancy. I’m still sending prayers and support your way for a healthy and easy pregnancy.
xx jj
Happy Anniversary, girlfriend! And know that you are on my mind ……….I’m sending prayers and hugs your way! Hang in there!
Happy Wedding Anniversary and it is good to hear that you have had some slightly more encouraging news about the baby. Take Care. x
Happy Anniversary!!
I know you wrote before (when I wrote about my own struggles after my 4th) about how difficult it was the first time around & now you have this difficulty. But there is hope! And while I don’t have any good words of wisdom (because really I don’t know why these things happen)I’m praying for you & here to listen.
Happy Anniversary! I miss you like crazy. I’m SO glad that the baby news is a little better. Still sending prayers!
Aww – Happy anniversary!! So glad that things are looking a little brighter – I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Happy, happy Anniversary! And having a joyous pregnancy is not too much to ask, to pray for!! It’s unfortunate our bodies don’t always agree with our minds.
I was very glad to hear from you today and even more happy to hear that each visit brings a lightness to your heart. Reiki sent to you all.
Happy Anniversary and I’m so glad to hear encouraging news for you!
Happy to hear the encouraging news — I hope you continue on that track with more good news with each visit. I can’t even begin to imagine the amount of stress you are under. Happy Anniversary 🙂
Lovely,… and wonderful news, I know it will contiune to get better
Keep the good news coming and I will continue to pray.
Continued best thoughts going your way. Happy Unknown Anniversary. 🙂
Amazing how much can happen in three years, eh? The kidney news is good. Hoping for more great kidney news on the horizon.
I am thrilled to hear baby is doing well. And congrats on your anniversary.
Happy anniversary!
BTW, stop by my place. You’ve won an award.
What a wonderful relief! I know that there is still more to hope and pray for, but it’s still great to stop by and read that things are improving.
(And happy anniversary!)
I’m glad to hear that the news about the baby’s kidneys, and sorry that you have to worry through your pregnancy.
My last pregnancy involved placenta previa, so as an older mom, I too had to have numerous ultrasounds.
Every week you can keep that little one inside is a good week…let’s hope all that you’re doing will do the trick!
Happy Anniversary! The Mister and I celebrate two years on Sunday.
What wonderful news. And happy anniversary!
That last shot is breathtaking!
Happy Belated Anniversary!
Thank you!
Wonderful news and happy anniversary!! I’ve had you on my prayer list!
big smiles. glad to hear the news is getting better every day…still praying…and hapy anniversary!
Sorry it’s taken me two whole days to comment. I was worried on Monday night when you didn’t post any news, so I was very relieved to read this encouraging news! One kidney will certainly do the trick–my mom’s best friend (since Jr. High) was born with one kidney and she’s still going strong.
And, I’m sure it goes without saying, but just in case–I totally relate to what you’re feeling about having to constantly be in a state of worry and always anticipating more news with each ultrasound. And not being able to enjoy your pregnancy is truly a sad thing. It doesn’t matter how well it turns out in the end–not enjoying the pregnancy, not being able to relax during it–well, it’s a kind of loss. And it’s real.
I will continue to keep my fingers crossed for you guys and send lots of good vibes your way, too.
And Happy Anniversary, too!!!
It is a loss not to be able to enjoy pregnancy. I was hoping it would be different this time around, but I guess that’s just how things go.
Aw! Happy Anniversary! I’m glad to hear that things are going okay, and I hope they continue to improve.
I am so happy that you are getting some good (ok, better?) news with your new baby. While I know you are still worrying, I’m thrilled that the news is getting better. Fingers crossed that the next ultrasound shows more good news.
Beautiful couple. Sending love for more good news and peace of mind.
I know I am late!! I have been away for two months and just got back to reading all the posts that I missed!!!!! Congratulations on your Anniversary and I pray that all goes well for little put Pie’s sister!!!!!!
Love the photos and your dress is great.
Thanking God for the baby and for you! Onward Mami…..