Last year in honor of my husband’s birthday, I wrote a blog post called 42 Great Things About My Husband. This year has taught me to appreciate all the many mundane things in life that I took for granted pre-pandemic, so I thought it would be appropriate to share some totally mundane things about my husband.
43 Totally Mundane Things About My Husband
- He only likes maple syrup, don’t offer him some fake kind of flavored corn syrup thing to pour on his pancakes because he won’t be happy.
- He wears socks to bed.
- He sings the song “So Fresh and Clean” way too much.
- He eats pinto beans WAY more than I do and I’m Mexican, he’s not.
- He’s afraid of little dogs, but pretends he doesn’t like them instead of admitting he’s afraid of them.
- He’s always searching for the perfect beanie. One that fits just so and doesn’t stretch out.
- His inseam is much shorter than mine, but he’s taller than I am – or so he says.
- He’s not a bad dancer, but you wouldn’t know because he doesn’t dance in public.
- He likes pocket knives and usually has one on him.
- Those closest to him call him by his middle name.
- He talks in his sleep sometimes and it never makes any sense.
- He is a fan of espresso and likes it more than coffee.
- Häagen-Daz chocolate ice cream with a spoonful of Laura Scudder’s Old Fashioned Peanut Butter is a favorite treat of his.
- He loves watching cooking shows.
- After watching cooking shows, he often ends up cooking something delicious.
- He gets up very early even when he doesn’t have to.
- He was born and raised in Hawaii.
- At this point, he’s lived in California for longer than he lived in Hawaii.
- He can skate – like on a skateboard.
- He talks to himself a lot or “narrates” as I like to say.
- He’s got really nice feet.
- He really dislikes black socks and is convinced they make your feet stink.
- He often eats standing up just because he likes to eat standing up.
- When he gets a napkin, he immediately crumples it up.
- He smooches on his kids every day.
- He refuses to separate laundry and throws it all in together.
- He’s very particular about his pens.
- He falls asleep within seconds.
- His jeans always wear out in the same spots.
- He’s got a lot of cutting boards.
- He’s got a lot of pans.
- He’s a middle child.
- He does not like bootcut jeans.
- He likes to call us all “buttheads.” We’re Butthead 1, Butthead 2 and Butthead 3.
- He makes THE BEST roasted chicken. It’s so good, I will never order roasted chicken from a restaurant because his is always better.
- He puts his kids to bed almost every night.
- He has brown eyes. They’re dreamy, but don’t make a big deal about it because he is kind of shy.
- He buys fresh baguettes and forgets to eat them.
- He laughs easily.
- He thinks he’s a good whistler. I will never ever admit that he is because I am whistle-impaired and I don’t appreciate how he whistles in front of me like it’s no big deal.
- He is a tickle monster, but don’ tickle him back because he will flail and hurt you.
- He’s such a Scorpio. Do not piss him off!
- He’s incredibly hard not to like.
Plus one bonus mundane detail about my hubby!
- His catchphrase is “Sometimes I’m always right.”
There you have it, some mundane details about my anything but mundane husband. Remember to openly celebrate those you love and not just the qualities that make them so spectacular.
ALSO READ: 11 Things I Love About My Husband
Celebrating My Husband on His 43rd Birthday
San Francisco, CA
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What a wonderfully Mundane post. I thought it a wonderful tribute to your husband and all the things that obviously make him him.
Thank you! It was fun to reflect on those details about him. He said it was his favorite post to date that I have written about him.