A few weeks ago, my eldest daughter lost her first tooth. Given the opportunity I would have gladly become a bone collector and stored the itty baby tooth in some kind of treasure box, but NO! I was robbed and not even by the tooth fairy. I was robbed by my own daughter and her gastrointestinal tract.
Yup, my darling Put Pie went to bed with a loose tooth and woke up without it. She somehow managed to swallow it while eating. Now, I’m super glad that she wasn’t hurt or anything, but I was ROBBED of the experience of holding her first fallen baby tooth! ARGH!
I complained to a good friend about it and she assured me that if I really wanted to I could dig for the tooth once it made its way out of my girl’s body. Ewww, no thank you. I’ll just wait for the next one.
Faced with the dilemma of having no tooth to put under her pillow for the tooth fairly, Put Pie wrote the following note to the almighty tooth fairy…
I don’t know, but this whole note thing made me suspicious. You see how in the picture my daughter drew herself with a big ol’ tooth-eating grin? That looks like a kid who is happy that she swallowed her tooth, that looks like a kid who wanted to swallow her tooth. That does not look like a child who is remorseful or mortified that she robbed the tooth fairy of a chomper. And is that an X-ray view of the tooth inside her tummy or does she just have a really large belly button?
Oh, and did you notice that there is no apology in the note either? No, “I’m sorry I ate my tooth, but could you pretty please still leave me something.” Nope, it’s more like, “I ate my tooth, you can’t have it, deal with it and you better get out of my room before the purple sun comes up.”
I’ll tell you what her father the tooth fairy is much kinder than I because she still woke up to something under her pillow. I say, if you give NOTHING to the tooth fairy except an unapologetic note about how you jacked her of a tooth, then you should get jack. I love my daughter very much, but I am not about to support her thieving ways.
That’s too funny! Glad she is okay and happy the tooth fairy was so nice.
“tooth-eating grin” tee hee…
Thank you for noticing. I was quite pleased with myself for that turn of a phrase. I love you and miss you bunches.
Please don’t let Put Pie watch The Walking Dead trailers. She may get other ideas about what’s fit to eat around your house.
Daddy is a big fan of that show, so I’ll keep an eye on it. Me, I can’t watch it because it gives me nightmares.
“get out of my room before the purple sun comes up” – wasn’t that line used in country western song? If not it could be. I guess you do live in the wild west don’t you?
Cutest thief ever! Love the x-ray picture — but yes, the tooth fairy clearly made an exception. Probably because of the cuteness.
LOL! It’s still a cute drawing and I’m glad you decided not to retrieve the tooth! 😀
LOL – I love this little note. Sorry about the tooth. What a cutie.
How do I give the post a hug? That’s new to me. This is so funny, but I know exactly why you feel cheated!! My oldest son taught himself to ride his bike without any help. In my frustration, I forced him to pose with his daddy, making it looked like he was taught by dad. But I still know, I KNOW, the truth! 😉
I loved her drawing 🙂 Too cute!
LOL! Does she know it’s daddy she cheated I wonder!