I’ve mentioned that one of my many jobs consists of working from home. When I work from home, I guess you could say that I’m my own boss. It would be great except for: MY EMPLOYEE SUCKS!
I don’t ask for much as a boss. All I need is for my employee to put in 2 to 3 solid hours of work a day. I don’t care when she does it. It can even be after she’s put the baby to sleep. You’d think this would be a dream job for her, but you should hear the run-around I get.
To be fair, when she started this job she was fantastic, very hard working and committed. That was then, this is now. This month her performance has really gone downhill. I try to be understanding, but COME ON!
She starts off the month by calling in sick because her husband is sick and she has to take care of him and the baby. Fine. Then she couldn’t work because her finger got infected and it hurt too much to type. Hhmm. It didn’t seem to stop her from blogging. That was followed by an eye infection that made it hard to look at the computer screen. Poor baby, I hope reading all those magazines helped. After that, she tells me she needs some time off because her mother and brother are visiting and she never gets to spend any time with them. Okay. When they leave, she says she can’t work because of an awful cold. You should have seen the look she gave me when I suggested she work from bed.
Supposedly, she is feeling better and plans on catching up. We’ll see. It’s like she doesn’t realize that if she doesn’t work, she doesn’t get paid.
Great Mami stuff!
Ha ha that’s a good one! Your boss is kind of bitch though.