This week I learned that my laundry hamper really does have a bottom. I may never see the bottom of that hamper again, but it’s nice to know that it exists. Some people search endlessly for El Dorado, I have been searching years for the fabled bottom of my laundry hamper and let me tell you…it is a beautiful thing.
In other news, this little blog of mine is featured as one of the Best Mommy Blogs in the Bay Area-2013 (according to ChatterBlock). I’m pleased to be included and recommend you check out some of the other blogs that were mentioned, I’m in very good company.
Both of my daughters are now in preschool. I have had more time to myself this week than I have in over 4 years. That would explain the sighting of the hamper bottom. It is amazing how much faster I can get things done without my 2-year-old and 4-year-old in tow. Also, when it is time to pick them up, I am so happy to see them. It’s a good thing.
For those of you wondering what I’ll be doing with all my “free” time, there will be plenty to occupy me. I’ll fill you in on the details later. Can’t wait!
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Don’t give up. Sometimes you have no idea how close you are to your destination.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
As a household of 5 I am fully aware of how little I see the bottom of a clothes hamper. I have 4 of them in my house, to ensure clothing actually makes it into ONE of them. I finally got to the bottom of ALL of them on Tuesday morning, which ended Tuesday night when the first person got ready for bed.. Sigh..
You keep teasing us….tell us, will ya’??
Oh, laundry… since I’ve been home I’ve adopted the once-a-week method. One day of the week I wash all the laundry, everything, and don’t think about it until the next week. I do the same for housekeeping, the same day. As long as I have a clean house one day out of the week, I can deal with the messes that come with a toddler. I’m looking forward to the day when I can get a few hours to myself on a regular basis.
I have worked out 2 days in a row without interruption. It is insane! No wonder I was so much thinner before I had kids. I used to work out and really sweat. I still work out when the kids are around, but it’s just not the same.
Both in preschool. awe!!! They will be bringing home such cute things!!
Thanks for mentioning laundry. Seriously! I have a load in the washer that I forgot to put in the dryer!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Is the hamper thing like the half full glass thing? I didn’t think so. You can’t put wine in a hamper.
My husband has this habit of stashing all his dirty laundry in a pile on the floor on his side of the bed – just when I think I have all the laundry done, the hamper is magically filled to the brim once again. I think I need to have a chat with the boy. 😉
Congrats on being featured! 🙂
Isn’t it amazing how much you can get done without little ones under foot? I’d forgotten how awesome that is until we added Little Dude to the family – now I’m looking forward to having that free time back when he starts kindergarten next year. 😉
Another Winter Storm Dud and some Funnies
That sounds like a dream 🙂 Yay for finding the bottom of the hamper!! A super congrats on the feature, woohoo for you!! That is very cool. I am looking forward to what you will be doing on here with your free time 🙂
🙂 I remember when Vidur started playschool, Claudya. For a couple of days I felt lost – and then I turned into a frenzied madwoman doing all the things that needed doing, so I could enjoy being with him when he returned from school. Every day we behaved as though we were meeting after a long time.
And yes – 12 years later, during this time, he can show me the bottom of our laundry hamper when I am unable to move around and do things 😀 The bliss is indescribable!
So thrilled to hear yours is one of the best mommy blogs in the bay area! 🙂 You’re the best!
Hugs! Eagerly looking forward to hearing about how you’re going to use your time….and wishing you all the best things, always.
Those precious hours are well earned….and the hours with your two lil ones well enjoyed. Have a great weekend!
I’ve learned about that bottomless hamper with a husband. Mostly because he doesn’t put his dirty clothes in the hamper. I find them…After I do laundry.
I’m glad you have a few extra moments to yourself. I’m a huge fan of alone time, I guess that would change were I a mother. I bow down to mothers everywhere.
I’m a huge lover of alone time and that has been one of the biggest adjustments I have had to face since becoming a mother.
Congrats on being one of the best mommy blogs! That’s awesome!
You’re pretty awesome.
We have a bottomless mountain that long ago devoured the hamper. :/
You know I understand.
Wouldn’t it be just lovely if laundry knew how to do itself?
There are only two of us here and I STILL think it would be lovely.
That and a self-cleaning house.
The bottom of the hamper really is a lovely thing!
These past few years have really flown by…
Congrats on the hamper. I don’t suppose you’re keeping up with it, but at least you have a cold to blame it on.haha