When the opportunity came up to get my husband into Mario Lopez’ underwear, I had to go for it and quite honestly my husband didn’t put up much of a fight. The conversation went a little something like this:
Unknown Mami: Babe, how would you feel about wearing Mario Lopez’ underwear?
Unknown Papi: What do you mean?
Unknown Mami: Well, not his actual underwear. He has a line of chonies called MaLo Underwear that are sold at Kmart. The name is pretty clever actually because of course it’s short for Mario Lopez, but malo means bad in Spanish so it’s a bit of bilingual cleverness. Anyway, would you like to try out his underwear line? They’re boxer briefs and…
Unknown Papi: Sure, I need new underwear.
And just like that, I got my man into Mario Lopez’ underwear.
Now we all know that men’s fashion, especially in the underwear department tends not to be as fun as women’s fashion, so it was nice to see that #MaLoUnderwear comes in fun color combinations.
Both my husband and I are fans of the boxer brief style in general. In fact, the underwear being replaced are also boxer briefs, but they’ve just seen too many rounds in the ring and the elastic waistband is down for the count (yes, I realize I went a little too far with the boxing analogy).
And what did Unknown Papi think of the underwear once he put it on? He said, “I gotta tell you, this underwear is really comfortable. Imma get some more.” Later in the day he added, “The underwear could be longer; they should have a long version and a short version.”
And what did Unknown Mami think of Unknown Papi in Mario Lopez’ underwear?
Me likey!
You can learn more about Mario Lopez and his underwear on:
Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest
You could also enter to win a chance to meet Mario Lopez + $75 worth of MaLo products. For details visit the MaLo Facebook Contest Page.
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and MaLo #CBias #SocialFabric.
You are right about the happy colors, and the name is catchy. Nice story about the bad boy undies.
I agree with your husband, I only ever wear boxer shorts that are long in the legs. The shorter ones always end up feeling like your wearing a pair of knickers. Not nice! Well unless that’s your thing of course. 😉
Is it an opportunity to meet Mario in his underwear?
need some my hubby. like now.
Mario Lopez was on Andy Cohen, Bravo, last night!!! They talked about his underware line and had a few models wearing them. If they were longer I would get them for my husband, he likes the longer brief boxers.
I’m a bb fan too. Great colors. I’m glad that your husband, um, likes his chonies. 🙂
This story is cute. It reminds me to fetch more undies for friends in Honduras. Why are undies so expensive here? I don’t know. All I know is that too many boys and young men go without, and I end up with an eyeful. It really is a great Christmas present for our boys. Boxer/briefs sound like a winning combo.
Love the colors too. And nice logo design 😀
nice colours and cute story!
You guys are adorable. I hope Mario Lopez finds this post and sends out a shout to you!
There’s something HOT about the mere thought of Mario Lopez’ underwear. *drool*
They might be shorter than what he likes, but I bet his behind looks delish! 🙂