My loves on the beach.
San Francisco, CA.
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Your loves are cute as buttons on the beach.
Keetha said it!
Happy sunday!
Great shots! Wonderful family!
Love it… nice to have that in your back yard. Awesome last shot! Happy Sunday!
The last shot of Unknown Papi and your girls is so sweet. Love the beach!
Your love comes through loud and clear in each of these photos. Wow. Very nice pictures. I like them all.
wonderful pics! 🙂
I love the Ocean Beach, regardless of the weather or the season. there is always something nice to photograph, in the midst of fog.
the first one is a rainbow on the beach.
😀 I’ve been stalking this post – I couldn’t find “Disqus”. Finally it has decided to appear! 😀
Love the colors in the photo. Your loves are precious!
Looks like a fun day!
You were having a wonderful day at the beach, I cant think if a better place to relax and enjoy the sounds of the waves, they are so calming!
I just read of an interesting term, ecotone. It’s where two ecosystems meet, such as sea and land for instance. The beach is one of God’s most beautiful ecotones, and we are blessed as people to share relationship with each other in such places.
Hello friend….I love this meme…Sundays in our city how fun. Of course, you live in the best city of america!!
I love San Francisco and can’t disagree about it being the best city in the world.
Those are gorgeous photos, I haven’t been to Ocean beach in ages 🙂 Thank you for hosting the party!
Beautiful photos! We love walking on the beach too – especially at this time of year 🙂
I miss Ocean Beach. We used to go their every weekend!
Thanks for hosting. I liked the filter(s?)..
Thank you. I used some actions that I got from They make my editing go way faster.
Thanks for the tip! I will check that out 🙂
Such sweet photos. And I always love the bright colors your girls wear!
Can’t believe how big they are getting! LOVE that last shot.
Awww the girls look so cute on the beach. Ummmm ,… so does the hubby!
My favorite pictures of the beach are looking at Daddy holding the girls hands as they walk towards the water. I have a smilier one with my oldest son holding my little nieces hands. Very precious!
Yes, I love these beautiful pictures on the beach.