Last week, I shared the following beauty advice: the best way to avoid beauty disasters is to stop them before they even happen. Today I share another bit of wisdom that will help you avoid beauty disasters : BEWARE OF TRENDS!
Just because something is in style or popular does not mean that it will work on you. If it does, great! If it doesn’t, stay far away from the trend. You may end up looking on-trend, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you look good in the trend.
I know this to be true because I have been a victim of a trend that doesn’t work on me. Ever since the 80’s when I first started wearing makeup, every few years nude lips are declared to be IT! I love the look. Some women can rock nude lips and look phenomenal.
Jennifer Lopez in pinkish-nude lips always looks fantastic. She can wear nude lips whether they are declared on-trend or not because she looks good in them ALWAYS. Me, not so much. I look best in reddish lips. Nude lips totally wash me out! I know this and still I tried to go nude one day.
I spent time in front of the mirror, worked meticulously on my makeup, thought I looked horrible, but convinced myself that it must be the lighting that was making me look awful. Surely, I looked sofisticated and understated, so I went to work and not one single person commented on this drastic change of makeup. I took that to mean that obviously I looked good or at least as good as usual and I congratulated myself for taking the risk.
The next day I went to work with my regular makeup on and a coworker promptly came up to me and said, “Oh, I was so worried about you yesterday. You looked really sick, but today you got all your color back.” Apparently, my nude adventure was a beauty disaster.
Guess who’s never worn nude lips since? Fess up, what trend have you tried that just doesn’t work on you?
I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All the opinions expressed here are my own.
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LOL! Yeah, stick to the red lipstick 🙂 I once did a yellow mechon, a la Thalia or Tongolele jajajajajaja NOT Good. Un beso
LMAO – that was hilarious!!!! I usually rock the nude lip myself. When I want to feel daring – I wear red.
you are too much! lol but yes, I’m a fan of the nude lipstick.
I thought you were going to say the hat. I love this look, but cannot rock it. I too have been a victim.
I keep trying nude or light pink but I have tiny thin lips, I may as well wear nothing.
I love the comment from your co worker!
I’ve been trying the blog trend but I just don’t know. I get a couple of unknown comments often.
The humor trend suits you.
I can do nude but I can’t do no makeup because the real color of my lips doesn’t look good on me, same thing with my natural hair color, natural washes me out.
BTW that deodorant sounds interesting.
I know, right?! I’m gonna give it a try.
oh no red lips kill me i tried and it looked like i had some kool aid for days lol
I look like a hooker or a very confused blue-hair when I wear red lipstick; definitely not on-trend for me! I can rock the nude, though 🙂