The entity known as Unknown Mami is experiencing technical difficulties. Let’s be honest she is not the sharpest tool in the shed, the brightest crayon in the box…you get the point.
Anyway, she hit publish instead of save for her SIMC post. If it appears in your reader, dear Reader, avert your eyes, I’m not saying you will turn into a pillar of salt or anything, but why take a chance? It’s simply not worth it. Just wait until Sunday when this entity we have come to know as Unknown Mami posts it on purpose.
Forgive her error, she was planning ahead as she will be busy celebrating Unknown Papi’s birthday on Saturday. She dedicates the following poem by e.e. cummings to the man she is fortunate enough to know and be known by…
your birthday comes to tell me this
—each luckiest of lucky days
i’ve loved,shall love,do love you,was
and will be and my birthday is
It didn´t show up in my reader. I guess you deleted it too quickly… 🙂
Happy Birthday to Unknown Papi! May he get some lovin´….
Feliz Cumpleanos, UP!
My sister's birthday is tomorrow. It's a good time to be borned.
Dear unknown mom,
I am sure that you are a very bright and sharp woman. I respectfully suggest you to express of yourself in better terms. I am not sure if this is a blog only for moms, but here is a dad reading your blog!
Un buen dia seras una estrella y dejaras de ser desconocida!
In the meantime, keep being a great human being!
All the best
I'm confused, but Happy Birthday Unknown Pappy.
Long Overdue
What poem, what papi??? I did not see a thing, but then I am not the fastest reader anyway…
Stop beating up on yourself, you are doing fine!
Thanks for stopping by and getting your dose of luck yesterday!
Happy weekend!
¡Feliz cumpleaños, Unknown Papi!
I have so published things by accident, glad to know Im not the only one……give the hubby a big happy b day from the blogggy world….
Happy Birthday, Unknown Papi!
Happy Birthday Unknown Papi!
And have a great weekend!
HA! I didn't see a thing! :o) You couldn't look any dumber than I did on my Vlog!!
Thank you do much for sticking up for me to me. This blog is not just for moms.
Muchisimas gracias por las lindas palabras!
Happy Birthday Unknown Papi!
And Unknown Mami, you are anything BUT unbright!
It didn't show up in my reader either. Happy Birthday to unknown papi!
If you delete it fast enough, you can usually get away with it. But really fast!!!! I think you were successful. I don't see it.
Happy Birthday to Papi!
Be kind to yourself, dear lady. This poem is a lovely reminder of what matters in the big picture. And thank you for your kind words re: writing. You made this dirty-haired lady smile.
sharpest tool, brightest crayon, – well of course my favorite is
A Few Clowns Short of Circus
but I do like this other one I've seen a few times.
“A couple fries short of a happy meal”
You're a funny one. I'll be waiting… 🙂
you love e.e. cummings? I LOVE e.e. cummings. Well actually the one I LOVE is I carry your heart with me…
And perfect people are totally allowed to 'um publish' early accidently
Happy Birthday, UP!
Enjoy each other!
i never left a comment on this blog.. maybe because the “comment” link is not so impressive eyecatching.. but thats what i like about this blog.
Its nice and quite, no people leaving stupid comments or having bullshit discussions.
its just a good blog to get your latest information in design/art world.
keep it up
anti keylogger