Unknown Papi: Yes?
Put Pie: You can play rough with me?
Unknown Papi smiles and some rough-housing ensues.
Put Pie: Papa?
Unknown Papi: Yes?
Put Pie: Not that rough!
Moral: Be careful what you wish for…
Funny San Francisco Latina Blogger
Unknown Papi: Yes?
Put Pie: You can play rough with me?
Unknown Papi smiles and some rough-housing ensues.
Put Pie: Papa?
Unknown Papi: Yes?
Put Pie: Not that rough!
Moral: Be careful what you wish for…
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Thats so funny because at home the girls like to play with their father alot and I am always the nervous nelly! Like you gonna hit the ceiling or someone is going to fall off the bed! I gets so scared when they wrestle!!! LOL
Apparently rough play makes kids smarter. Something about having to react helps develop their brains. Who knew?
Hahaha, that was cute!!!
Smart little girl to know what she wants and express it clearly.
Fun photos of father and daughter rough housing.
Fun to do. I would get a good grip of their arms, bend my knees and have them climb/walk up the front of me. When their little feet got to my shoulders, their were upside down and ready to flip. thanks for bring this up or down!
Too cute! I remember those days clearly!
I’m with Zulay….I always get nervous that the child will get hurt. so far I’ve worried needlessly, but you never know!
I tend not to look because I lean toward nagging and no one seems to enjoy it.
I’m pretty sure I’ve had this conversation with my husband once or twice…
hee hee
Our granddaughters love their grampi and his play time. Tickles and pokes are big on the list
haha…too cute…and yes watch out when you make those requests…smiles.
Cute! And it keeps them tough too! 🙂
So delightful! I can imagine the happy sounds mixed with laughter! I love the effect you’ve got on the second picture!
Hugs to you!
omg!! i adore your post! i really do.
thanks for adding so much cuteness to my day.
i just want to reach through the screen and hug her tight!
love it! xoxoxo
Your family is so stinkin’ cute.
Aww….so sweet 🙂