I saw these guys hanging out on the corner of 46th and Sloat.
San Francisco, CA.
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BLOGitse says
These are cool!
Romi says
The combination of the owl and the wolf is interesting.
Robyn Engel says
I really like the cartoon quality of those murals.
Be well.
Cyndy Bush says
Those are cool! I love the owl especially, of course.
Judy says
Great mural. I am partial to owls although the wolf is well done.
Joanna Jenkins says
San Francisco is such a colorful city. Love these guys– and you too!
xo jj
Carol Carson says
Thank you, Mami. Such a wonderful meme, and I know it takes time and energy to keep it going. Absolutely love your owl and your wolf and the chance to visit S.F. via your eyes 🙂
lisleman says
The wolf looks like it might be shedding a tear. The owl is so round. Interesting design.
Vidya Sury says
I love the owl! I want to make one and hang it in my balcony!
deborahpucci says