This weekend we took a walk from our home to the Park library branch. It’s one of the two public libraries that we walk to regularly and I just found out that it happens to be the “oldest existing” public library building in San Francisco. It first opened on October 29, 1909. On February 26, 2011, it reopened after being renovated.
I am so incredibly grateful for public libraries in general. They were there for me as a child giving me access to so many books that I wouldn’t have had access to otherwise and now that I have children, they are there for my kids.
The San Francisco Public Library system has been such a great resource for me as a mother. There have been times when I’ve had no money to spend, but I want to get my kids out and do something fun with them. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve visited the SFPL website and found something wonderful to take them to. They offer great programs for kids of all ages, host performances, have books in Spanish for my kids, audiobooks galore, summer reading programs, DVDs and offer just a chill, safe space with toys to hang out.
Long live public libraries!
Park Library
1833 Page Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
ALSO READ: Art Cart at Salesforce Transit Center Rooftop Park
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