It was December of 2007, right smack during the holidays. We were visiting my folks and I was feeling different. I walked into the bathroom in my mother’s house with a full bladder and a pregnancy test. I tinkled on the stick and then waited. I didn’t peek, but I really wanted to. When the time was up, I looked at the stick and then I knew. I was pregnant. What?! I walked out into the living room where my husband was and I calmly said, “I’m pregnant.” He laughed and didn’t believe me because I said it like it was no big deal. Then when I kept standing there, he said something like, “Wait, are you serious?!” And I was, I was totally serious. I was pregnant!!! I peed on a bunch of other sticks just to make sure I really was pregnant and they all told me I was, but that’s pretty much all they could tell me. I had to wait what felt like an eternity until I could go see my doctor to find out more like how far along I was.
When I think about it 2007 was not that long ago, but now, if you pee on a stick and you are pregnant, it can give you an estimate of how far along you are. What?! I would have loved to know that when I peed on all those sticks. Not all at home pregnancy tests can do it, but the new Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator can estimate how many weeks pregnant you are. It’s nuts, in a good way. The test is digital and displays the results in words that you can clearly read, such as: Not Pregnant; Pregnant 1-2; Pregnant 2-3; Pregnant 3+. It’s able to estimate how far along you are in your pregnancy by measuring the levels of the hormone hCG. Welcome to the future my friends!
Have you seen this test? Have you used it? If you have, I would love for you to share your experience with it in the comments. Keep in mind that if you do tell me your story, it may get shared anonymously outside of the blog by the folks at Clearblue.
I think this test is so awesome it almost makes me want to get pregnant again. Almost.
Check out how the test works!
Find out more about Clearblue Advanced Pregnancy Test with Weeks Estimator via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in collaboration with BabyCenter and Clearblue. All statements and opinions are my own.
What a clever idea! I wish they were around when I was producing babies! Though, I always knew I was pregnant a couple of days after being ‘late’.
The sticks have come a long way….it took me two years to get pregnant, i’ve peed on my fair share of sticks. When I realized I was pregnant it was not from a stick….I use to no be a crier and that day some won yelled at me at work and I was an emotional wreck. I was like what is wrong with me then I peed on the stick and wham!
Oh, great, now that’s precision!
Amazing advances out there!
I remembered purchasing a three pack of pregnancy tests at Target with my second. I was totally expecting it to be negative and on a whim I went to the Target bathroom to try it out. I always made myself wait until I was at least two days late. These look great but for those women who can’t stand the 2WW, this is going to be a problem! lol I’m sure they are going to purchase a few every month! That’s a lot of $$$
How nifty! I remember going to a clinic and getting a test done and waiting for a day and a half 😀
Well had my pregnancies ever shown up on a pee test before 4 months.. yeah I am one of those weirdos that can fool pee or blood tests.. not fun let me tell ya
That is super cool! I would have liked that i 2003 and 2007.Hope I won’t need it now — haha!
Holy cow–That’s awesome!! Very cool.