Do you know what Chisme is? Oh yeah you do! Even if you don’t know Spanish you know what it is because it’s nothing but good old fashioned gossip.
Juicy Chisme, how I love thee!
It’s fun to get together with girlfriends and shoot the shit. Someone’s dating a hottie? Do tell! Do I want to know who got plastic sugery? Hell yeah! So and so is in jail for what?! I love it!
You know what’s not fun? The Chisme that goes on in my family. I can’t stand it. I want to yell: Stop it! Leave me out of it! I don’t want to know!
Insidious Chisme, how I hate thee!
Damn Chisme can be so destructive! It’s so destructive that my mother and brother are not speaking to each other. All because of Chisme!
ALSO READ: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
I can’t get into the details with you because that would be Chisme and not the good kind. Suffice it to say that I am not taking sides over stupid Chisme. What’s the point? I love them both and nothing good can come of this.
The mother in me feels terrible that any child would reject its mother; the child in me is heartbroken that any mother would stop speaking to her baby; and the grown up in me just wants them both to stop being so petty.
At the end of July, we are flying down for a visit and my daughter will not have the pleasure of enjoying her grandmother and uncle at the same time. All because of Chisme!
Please remember:
Chisme doesn’t hurt people.
People hurt people.
Alcohol and Chisme do not mix.
“Great people talk about ideas.
Average people talk about things.
Small people talk about other people.”
Pinche chisme IS destructive. But oh so good when in telenovelas! I hope
they can resolve this issue so there is no more awkwardness amongst
family. <3
July 22, 2009 7:27 AM
Pink Peony
Good points!
July 22, 2009 7:45 AM
sarah m
Good luck with the chisme drama. Love the quote at the end! 🙂
July 22, 2009 8:09 AM
Tammy Howard
My sister is involved in a huge mess on her husbands side of the family
for the very same reason. It is, for sure, hardest on her daughter. Thanks for the new word – I hope I'm pronouncing it correctly!
July 22, 2009 10:38 AM
Green-Eyed Momster
I'm so sorry but your Brother and your Mother are adults. Let them work
it out and try not to get caught in the middle. Nurture the child in
you. Don't take it too seriously. People have their reasons for the
things they do and say. Blood is not thicker than water in my family
and it's sad. Your family will find a way to work things out. Most families do. Hugs!!
July 22, 2009 11:42 AM
Multiple personalities..
AMEN SiSTah! I hate chisme too. I'm Filipino, and in the tagalog word
for its "chismis", so very close to the Spanish word. Now, to be honest,
I indulge in it every once in a while with my circle of friends, but I
do absolutely hate getting in the middle of it when it's the family. My
mom and sister don't talk, haven't for the past two years, because of
chisme/chismis, and it's so heart-wrenching. And your quote is so spot
on! I hope it all works out in the end.
July 22, 2009 1:37 PM
Well said (I like that last bit a lot).
July 22, 2009 2:46 PM
Jeve (aka John and Steve)
My family is big into chisme…I can't stand it when I go 'home' to visit. Grrr…
July 22, 2009 3:45 PM
That quote at the end is great. So sorry your family is in the middle of
drama like that. My extended family lives and breathes in it. Which is
why I haven't seen or spoken to them in years. It's always sad when that
happens. My daughters will probably grow up never meeting any of them.I hope things have positive resolutions before your trip.
July 22, 2009 6:40 PM
Joanna Jenkins
"Alcohol and Chisme do not mix."Very wise words. Hope it works out.
July 22, 2009 6:49 PM
my family is mired in chisme as well. makes for interesting holidays.
July 22, 2009 7:20 PM
Oooh, I LOVE that quote. I'll try to remember it! 🙂 Sorry to hear
about the family drama-it's such a bummer to be around that bad energy.
What I would say (to my mom and brother, if I felt like helping) is,
"If he/she died today, would you have any regrets? You have to live each
day like it's your last. Some things aren't worth it.
July 22, 2009 9:19 PM
Helen McGinn
ooh, so true…so very true. I'm having my own Chisme dilemma with a
friend….I want to shout "shut up already!" but she has nothing else to
say at the present. So, I'm avoiding her. Oops. Have I just
committed Chisme all over your blog? My apologies. :O(xx
July 23, 2009 4:50 AM
Single Mama NYC
Ai Dios Mio, el chisme es del Diablo, por seguro. Lo siento, Hermana. Hopefully they'll come to their senses soon.
July 23, 2009 8:14 PM
Sorry that your family is having problems. Hope it gets cleared up soon.
Your post is so very true.