When I heard the news that Mandela died, I cried in the car as I drove my daughter home from school. At home, via text, a friend reminded me that MANDELA LIVED and how great is that?
The next morning there was ice on the playground of my daughter’s school. That’s unusual for San Francisco.
At school sing-a-long they did a listen-a-long instead in honor of Mandela. Some of the kids started to dance and the principal encouraged them. I cried a bit more for Mandela and then I danced a bit for him as well.
Then later in the day, I sat in a café working because I had to move my car (San Francisco street cleaning and no parking issues) and I used it as an excuse to buy myself lunch. I looked up from my computer and saw a man rummaging through the garbage for lunch and then taking off with the speed of a jackrabbit. Wait, are jackrabbits fast? I’ve never seen one in person.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
“It is wise to persuade people to do things and make them think it was their own idea.” – Nelson Mandela
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Mandela inspired a generation, didn’t he? I sat in traffic coming home tonight, and i listened to a documentary on NPR about his life. Remarkable.
Mr.Mandela would get a kick out of that fortune cookie, I think 🙂
I think so too.
Visit me at http://www.unknownmami.com.
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Date: 12/06/2013 4:31 PM (GMT-08:00)
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Mr.Mandela would get a kick out of that fortune cookie, I think 🙂 7:31 p.m., Friday Dec. 6
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I have learned more about this great man through all the tributes. Don’t recall the exact words (probably could find it online) but he said that revenge was like a poison. Great thinker. Rabbits – they are all fast except for those chocolate Easter ones.
I really like your friend’s sentiments about Mandala living. How cool to have lived in the same lifetime.
I saw him in LA at the Los Angeles Coliseum when he had just been released from prison. I can’t believe I was there.
The loss of Mandela hit me so deeply. As a tee, the plight of black South Africans was the very first moral and political crisis I really cared about. I remember singing along with Annie Lennox , “Hey Mandela”. He taught me so many things, mostly to believe in change itself.
A great light left this world, but his essence, compassion, and vision remain… Xx
I think it’s wonderful to sing and dance, and totally ok to cry as well.
I don’t know the difference between a jackrabbit and an ordinary rabbit. I have a rabbit and she’s rather fat and slow!