We’ve been enjoying our winter break together and took some time to drive from San Francisco to Redwood City to walk around a bit.
Redwood City, CA
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
ALSO READ: Chinatown, San Francisco (Sundays In My City)
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts of the world virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
Let’s travel the world together!
Grab the code from my sidebar.
Looks like a fun walk 🙂
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Happy New Year to you and yours as well!
This is an odd post for me to read. I lived in San Francisco area for 15 years, and I know the name Redwood City, but the photos don’t have any memories.
Honestly, the part of Redwood City that I’m showing doesn’t have many memories for me either. I didn’t even know that museum was there. We just walked a little further down Broadway Street in downtown Redwood City and that’s what I saw.
How nice! Love museums! But what I can’t get over is how tall your girls are! 🙂 They look delightful!
And I am happy to be back doing SIMC.Thank you Claudya!
I can’t get over how big they are getting either. It goes by in a flash.
My goodness, your children are beautiful!!!
Happy 2016! May it be your best year yet!
May it be your best year ever too! I love you bunches and although 2015 was not the best year in the world for me, I did get to see you in the flesh and for that I am grateful.
Always fun to see those unique bits of life during travel. I enjoy taking time, like you did, to stop and see a new small city or town and soak everything in.
This is the link-up I wanted to share since the linky tools isn’t working: http://passportcouture.com/searching-in-snow-canyon. Please let me know when it’s up and running! Thanks! Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has linked. 🙂
Hi, Claudya, happy 2016! Sundays in My City is featured on my new Complete List of Travel blog Link-Ups that I published today. I would have liked to share it here but I want to follow the rules out of respect. You’re the one who can add it as an exception. I sure would appreciate if you would help promote the list any way you can: Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, etc. http://www.aswesawit.com/travel-blog-link-up-2016/
Best, Linda
Great job! Shared on Twitter, g+ and Facebook.
It looks like it was a fun time. I love how you go places all the time!