My eyes are telling me that I need to spend less time on the computer, I suppose I’ll listen. In an effort to give my eyes a rest, I’ve been typing this post with my eyes closed.
Ugh, I opened my eyes and I had typed “five my eyes a rest”, instead of “give my eyes a rest.” I better become a better typist if I intend to blog while resting my eyes.
I have been ignoring the pleas of my eyes because I have so much to do online, but in the end the only one who will suffer from not listening to my eyes is me. I like my eyes, I should be good to them.
So the eyes have it, my friend. I’m going off the computer for a bit. It won’t be long, but long enough to give my big beautiful brown eyes the rest they ask for.
See you later, so to speak!
Oh, but wait, before I go I want you to rest your eyes on the following portrait.
I call it Portrait of an Unknown Father. This is a collaboration between Put Pie and Unknown Papi. Unknown Papi drew the whole thing and when it was done, Put Pie asked if she could add something. Unknown Papi said it was okay and Put Pie added that line across the forehead. The funny thing is that Unknown Papi does have that line going across his forehead. Gotta love a 4 year-olds attention to detail.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Sometimes you need to avert your eyes.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
I like it! REST Unknown Mami and we will see you soon.
Definitely take care of your eyes! Love the portrait and Put Pie’s contribution to it!
The eyes have it! Hope you can rest your peepers some. Love the portrait!
Oh a good old rest from the computer screen sounds like a fabulous idea!! Enjoy:)
It is good to rest your eyes.
Love the portrait!
Aawwww how cute that she added his brain wrinkle.
? One of these days I’ll figure out commenting……why do I mess it up sometimes…I said the brain wrinkle comment but for some reason it looks like nobody said it…..hummmm?
Have you linked this fragment post over at Mrs. 4444’s place, cause I didn’t see it there.
I LOVE Put Pie’s addition to the self-portrait. Sooooo cute.
I hadn’t linked it yet. Busy morning. Supposed to be resting my eyes, but keep taking breaks from my rest. HA!
LOL! Little kiddos and their sharp eyes. Enjoy your rest!
I haven’t heard the phrase, resting my eyes, in a long time. My mama said it often when she wanted a break from 3 kids. She would lay down in the afternoon, proclaim, “I am resting my eyes,” and she wouldn’t cater to our demands for like 3 or 4 minutes. Poor moms. As she gets older, she stills says the same thing: I am resting my eyes. However, now I don’t tell her that I can hear her snoring as her eyes get some beauty sleep. Enjoy your day, Unknown Mami.
Yes, get your rest, girl. And I love that the little one is so observant!
Big hug to Put Pie! Reminds me of a time when a 7 year old Vidur was enamored with making “portrages” (read portraits) and insisted on making one of a visiting friend. We were slightly shocked to see the finished work of art – the face had a little hair sticking out from the chin and above the upper lip. 😀
Go ahead and rest. I enjoy typing with my eyes closed sometimes and the one thing I can never get right is my own name. Somehow, ever since I logged in this morning, all am seeing is posts related to eyes or vision. Hmm. There’s a message for me in there somewhere! Hugs!
That is hilarious.
Yes. Especially because the visitor was a “she” 🙂 I am sure I still have it somewhere!
I had very bad acne as a teenager and a young friend who liked me very much drew a portrait of me that was covered in red spots. She insisted on having it put on our refrigerator. My teenage self was mortified.
I feel for you. My childhood friend still has a cartoon she drew of me with rabbit teeth. Which stuck me with the nickname “Bunny” although later, when we grew up and people asked, she would say it related to the Playboy Bunny. Very gratifying.
My left eye had cataract surgery this past Wed and my right eye is jealous and wants its surgery to hurry and get here. It has to wait till Dec 19 though. In the meantime, I am not wearing glasses and my left eye feels awesome and I can SEE again. Wow. Rest your eyes if they are telling you to, our eyes are so important.
Oh I hear you. My eyes and my hands frequently remind me to go find something else to do. Ha, yeah right! Good luck!
Have a great rest, may your eyes love you for it!!! Kids are so great! I love her contribution to the project 😉
I love it; it made me smile. Have a good rest…
Hope your eyes are feeling better. Leave it to a 4 year old to tell the truth!!!
Smart to listen to your eyes, mine have been hurting more since I’ve been watching more tv online.
Yes, please take care of your eyes! I have had very bad vision since I was young and being able to see well is something I try not to take for granted… As much as I love seeing what you share here, I would rather you keep doing it (even a little less) than not at all!