I love dancing and I love watching other people dance. Especially when the dancer is gloriously absorbed and unselfconscious. You don’t even have to be a good dancer for me to love watching you dance, but if you are that’s a bonus.
Right now I am in awe of this fantastic salsa-dancing abuela. This woman may be older than most, but she has not lost any of her moves or joy for life. I find her inspiring and I am most definitely going to steal some of her moves. I truly hope that if and when I am lucky enough to become an abuela, I still shake my nalgas on the dance floor.
Let’s make a pact that we’ll never stop dancing, OK?
Image via YouTube
Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed watching them!
Look how much funs she is having….love it.
Oh I just love, love, love this! Just the other day, while getting my 80’s fix on YouTube i happened across a video of some really elderly ladies literally jiving to some songs that are fast paced. Their joy was so infectious i just had to get up and join them 😀 Thank you for sharing, Claudya!
I LOVE love Love)))) these women! YES! xx
Okay, I have been caught lurking….lol
But I just have to comment. This is GREAT!
Woman, you are never a lurker on my site. You are always a welcome guest. You know that! And I agree this lady dancing is great.