I’m not usually a video sharer, but today that is totally what you are getting. One video I’m sharing because it is hilarious, the other one because it makes no friggin’ sense to me.
Okay, get ready for a good low-brow laugh from this “Ship My Pants” KMart commercial. You may not want to watch it around kids if you don’t want them listening to potty humor. P.S. KMart is giving me nothing for sharing this video, I just think it is ship my pants kinda funny.
And now on to a “trend” among youths that makes no sense to me condom snorting. Yes, you read that right condom snorting. How bored are these kids? Please do not attempt this at home!
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Love what you do or do what you love.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
I despise Kmart….but This is the best thing they have ever done. HILARIOUSsssss.
Very funny. Laughed even louder when my daughter, putting makeup on in at my bathroom sink, overheard the video. “Shi* my pants?! What?!”
haha. I just wrote about this Kmart ad and this new Fresh and Easy ad for my blog for Monday. The normal part of me find this hilarious. The mom in me is not so sure.
Oh, I’ll have to check it out on Monday. Remind me. I get crazy busy and forget. I haven’t seen the Fresh and Easy ad.
Love the ship my pants video……laughed so hard! The condom one yikes….kids are so bored that is just plain wrong!! Have a great weekend!
I absolutely love the ship my pants video – I had to share it this week (for RTT) too. 😉 I bust out laughing every time I watch it. I couldn’t watch the other one, though – just the thought that people are snorting condoms grosses me out!! Have a great weekend, Mami! 🙂
Spring has Sprung, Princess Nagger’s Newest Obsession Chibi License, Dung Beer and Winemaker’s Competition: Friday Fragments
LMAO! I almost ship myself!
ship my pants is good and generated many laughs from those I know that saw it. The hey look-at-how-stupid-I-can-be video is just stupid and maybe dangerous. I have heard that teens use condoms for taking drug tests. They carry a clean sample in the condom I guess. Makes me worried about our future.
Loved the “I shipped my pants”; was grossed out by the condom up the nose!
That Ship My Pants was funny. I saw the other one on the news when we were in San Diego (cause my husband likes the news) and I think it is pretty crazy and makes no sense at all!
Why…just Why?!?
condom snorting – is there anything that someone won’t snort?
I seriously can’t even watch that snorting video. I just know it’s going to gross me out. I feel super old saying this, but when I was a dumb teenager, we did stupid shit, but nothing this damn stupid.
omg–on both accounts! Wow. Loved the Ship My Pants ad!!