Something I haven’t shared with you before is how much I like to shop. Or technically how much I used to love to shop. Before I became a mother, shopping was something I did a lot of on a regular basis. I am a gifted shopper. Or shall I say I was a gifted shopper. I could find just about anything for prices you wouldn’t believe, but there was a hidden cost and I paid for it with time. In order to find great deals, I had to spend a great amount of time looking. Most of my shopping did not involve actual buying, it involved looking because great deals do not lay around waiting to be found. Nowadays, I don’t have the time, I’m tired, I’m busy, and I’d rather do something else.
Imagine how excited I was to be contacted by CSN Stores and asked to do a review of one of the many products they carry. It’s like shopping without having to leave the house! I wasn’t familiar with CSN stores and I was surprised to find out that they consist of over 200 stores. That’s a lot of products. I enjoyed looking over their kids beds because Put Pie is getting too big for her crib. I really like the one pictured below because storage space is at a premium in San Francisco. The best part is that shipping is free on this bed! I hate trying to buy things online only to find out I can’t afford the shipping.
Guess, what I decided to review? Something totally practical that will help us save money.
Yup, Kinetic Go Green Storage containers! We need to save money and one of the ways we do this is by packing my husband’s lunches for work, but he hates using plastic containers because they leach chemicals and we don’t have any good glass containers. Can’t wait to get them! I’ll let you know what we think.
Good for you! Taking lunch really does save so much money in the long run.
I'd love to make the move to glass containers, but we can't afford it just yet. Looking forward to your review!
Ooooh. I love the city. I haven't been up there in YEARS. I really need to make my way back up north.
I pack my husband's lunch as well and it's so hard to find things that work. I'm anxious to see how these work out.
I can totally relate to disliking plastic containers…but what can I do? I'm a poor college student! I think that for next year I will either invest in some nice glass containers or ask my mom to buy them for my birthday….hehehe 🙂
I was contacted by them as well; haven't yet decided whether to do a review or a giveaway. I'll be anxious to read your review.
I have those container thingy majiggys all over my house but I always lose the lids… they are expect at separating from their other half. I swear!
I got contacted by CSN stores too. But I don´t think they knew I live in Paraguay… 🙂
I would love to do some shopping there in person! 🙂
So are those glass? My hubby hates plastic containers too. I got some similar ones that are plastic for the kids lunches and love them. These would be awesome! Gonna have to check it out. I wish I liked shopping. I am pretty good at finding bargains online, but hate the real mall thing. Think its all the smelly perfumes and crowds.
My husband takes his lunch, too, so I can't wait to hear what you think of them!
Woohoo! I can't wait to hear your results. I pack a lunch for my Hubby every blessed work day and go through those plastic baggies like crazy. I'm so looking forward to your review.
God bless and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
I keep telling my hubby that I need to start packing his lunch. He claims he just drinks Mountain Dew. Ugh.
Can't wait to read the review!
My hubs is TOTALLY into the glass containers now for his lunch. He's afraid of microwaved cancer and stuff.
Good for your husband to be chemical conscious and healthy. Three cheers for a smart man. He picked you so that proves it.
I love that bed especially because of the storage beneath. It's also good to find out that these containers are safe.
That bedding set is AWESOME!!! I used to shop all the time too… I was the Queen of a good deal. Sadly I never hardly get to go anymore : ( LOVE looking online though!!!
Oh boy – Tupperware lunch boxes! It's a turn on for sure!
Will it keep a beer frech and cold?
Hmm, maybe as part of the review I should make him cold beer soup and see how it travels? I'll keep you posted.
My husband was the one that suggested the glass containers. I'll have to ask him if they are a turn on. Maybe he has a glass fetish.
I love shopping when I score big time! I am known to get great deals. Although I don't like shopping so much for myself unless I'm not having a “fat” day, but I love shopping for others!
Congrats on your blogs by latinas award!
I recently threw (well, actually, recycled) all my plastic containers. All the leeching of chemicals got me scared. Just glass for me. You would be surprised at how cheap glass is.
I need to blog about my whole experience with this too!
nice. and free swag never hurts…my wife packs my lunch. she's cool like that.
so where do i need to send this penny? smiles.
we take lunch to work as well, great idea on these containers.
I'm not much of a shopper. Never was. I just go, do and get done.
I hate going from store to store trying to find the best price. I've been researching and shopping online as much as I can.
That bed is adorable. Speaking from experience…keep your sweet ittle girl in her crib as long as possible. Both of my little beasties climbed out of their cribs around 18 months, and naps have never been the same. Sigh.
I'm with you…I have no time to shop. Interested in how the containers work out….
I say getting something that saves money is the best choice!!! Those look great love them!
Ohhh, I love shopping too. Can't wait to see how you like the containers.
I find it a great idea for saving some money!
I love the bed. Very practical for storage. I hate shopping…for me for clothes. I love going to Target to get food, toiletries and baby stuff, like diapers. Does this make me boring??? Hope not, but my hubby, he loves to shop! I can find great deals, but it takes time and I have found that Target has way better prices on most food items then the regular grocery store and bathroom stuff is also cheaper there, too, then at the grocery store. Toilet paper and Paper towels come from Costco!
It sounds good! I love to shop for bargains too. But time is money too. My husband would rather be shot by a firing squad than go shopping. I buy all his clothes because I know what he'd look like if I didn't. LOL
I've given you another blog award. You've already got this one, but then I think you've got them all! My favorite is the one with the stiletto heel, although my stiletto days are long gone. LOL You don't need to do the whole blog thingy, I just like telling people about your blog.
How fun! I love shopping too, but it's a rare thing for me these days… I was thinking about replacing my plastics to make sure they aren't harming us.
Love the bed. 🙂
I can't wait to hear your review on those!
That bed is gorgeous!
I only like thrift store shopping anymore. Walmart and I have a love to save money/hate to go there relationship.
Oooo, I like the glass. I have mostly plastic now but am so afraid of dropping or breaking the glass, so I haven't made the switch yet. I'm sure it'll be coming, and I can't wait to see what you think!
When he comes home aglow from a wonderful lunch wherein he thought how beautiful his wife is, I think that you will find the glass containers a WONDERFUL choice!