Still lifes from last weekend when Luna Pie celebrated the big 0-2!
San Francisco, CA.
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Looks perfect!
I bet that light was a big hit!
Two already! Where does time go?
Oh, Otin was mike lol
Silly, Mike, I mean Otin.
I love little ones’ birthday parties! We celebrated my great-niece’s first birthday today. So fun!!
Oh what fun…we just celebrated Little Mans a couple of months ago, him turning ONE, I just can’t imagine TWO, but then I bet you can’t either☺
I am happy that you captured the still moments of the party, but I am sure most of the party featured action, not still moments. She is, after all, two years old.
Correct. There was very little stillness.
thanks for sharing and hosting. I bet the party was as fun and these pictures. BTW are all this pictures from instagram – just wondering.
No, they’re not from Instagram. I took them with my dslr and edited them using actions.
What a party! Soon it’s going to be 20 yrs birthday…. 🙂
Looks like a great party. Hope Luna PIe had a great celebration.
Wonderful party. Wish we could have attended. Happy birthday!
Happy belated bday Luna-pie!
What fun for a little one! I love Hello Kitty at my house, too! Happy Sunday!
A 2 year old birthday is such fun! The smiles on the little faces are too precious! Happy birthday baby girl!!
Here is wishing her a life of happiness and peace.
Looks like an awesome party to me! A very happy day and blessed year to your beautiful girl.
Looks like a sweet party.
I love the ’60s look to your photos. If you don’t mind me asking, what editor do you use. I use picasa and I can’t get the rounded corners to work without color replacing it.
I actually use Windows Livewriter to do the rounded corners. I edit on Photoshop Elements, but I write all of my posts on Windows Livewriter as opposed to my post editor in WP, you can use it for Blogger too, I’ve been using it since my Blogger days. I like the way it uploads pictures better and you can set it up with your template so you can see what the
Beautiful photos full of sweet love, happy birthday
What a cool pinata. I like the colors in the photos. Hope the birthday was a fun one.
Ahhh Hello Kitty…. you can’t go wrong!
Looks like an awesome party! I can’t believe she is two!! Time flies!
I love these little glimpses into your girls’ birthday parties!
awww!!!!! happy (belated) birthday luna pie!!
wishing you happiness to welcome each morning, sweet baby!
big hugs!
it sure looks like a memorable party to me
Lovely. Blessings to your little one!
Love the party photos. Sunday was the first day of the year of the snake so Happy New Year and thank you for hosting.
happy belated birthday to Luna Pie, can’t believe how years fly.