Zebras under the overpass in Oakland, CA.
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Very cool! The new thing in my town is very realistic statues of people in random places. I don’t like them because they freak me out!
those zebras are really nice. mami, i am linking my post of my sunday in my city, but it is in words, because this was exactly how my sunday is. and it is in spanish – i do not know spanish but that is how i want to express it today. i really hope that you will enjoy my city or rather my mind in my city this sunday.
I got vote 204 (you must be taking the lead).
Posted my SIMC which as you know launches my LLL.
Thanks so much for letting me do this combo.
With your many funny posts from the past to select from you will have no problem joining in the sharing of laughs with me.
thanks – have a great Sunday. Our Sunday appears to be starting off wet as I heard the roar of thunder out the window.
What a great way to cheer up a gloomy underpass.
In Oakland? I wonder if those are new-ish. I never noticed them in all my years there. Maybe I was just oblivious. I really like them.
PS Sorry I won’t likely be posting for SIMC. I’m trying to work through some issues with my scanner and posting pics. Argh. But I’ll still be visiting others’ blogs. Be well!
Are those “official” zebras or randomly vandalizing zebras?
I’m guessing official…but there is part of me that thinks it would be kind of cool if there was some zebra vandalizer going around to overpasses to share his art.
I love zebras. What a great use of boring space.
I love this kind of art. Boring concrete walls look much nicer with art – zebras or other well painted.
Happy Sunday!
The zebras are beautiful. This is street art at its best.
Now, off to vote… good luck!
that’s cute.
Zebras are so pretty.
love the zebras! and just voted for you 🙂
Wow, those are awesome! And yes, I voted again! Good luck with that.
That’s a neat find! Nice way to spruce up an overpass!
Zebras are so cool. I lived in a nice condo in San Diego for nine years and thought I would stay there a long time, so an artist friend painted the living room for me with life size herd of zebras on one wall and a mother giraffe and baby giraffe on the other part of the wall. She did a wonderful job. I enjoyed the herd of zebras so much; there was a baby zebra in front. Oakland was part of my old stompin’ grounds the last semester of high school. I was there a couple months before I met my hubby and the place had changed so much. Nice photos of the zebra. I personally like the paintings on walls and bridges. People are so talented.
that is a pretty cool mural…zebras in the city…
I like those zebras! Very cool!
I always love to see what sort of crazy things they come up with to put under the overpasses. Those zebras must be enormous!
is this near OZ? I completed my graduate photodocumentary at that zoo!
Heh! What an awesome sight. So much better than plain.
Reminds me about a boss I had once who liked to tell me, “Think horses, not zebras, when you hear hooves.” He was trying to tell me to think of the most logical explanation, not the most outlandish. Who would expect zebras under an overpass? Certainly not my boss!
At first I thought they were live, shot through a window! Very cool mural!
The SF area is just full of surprises around every corner.
I keep voting. 😉
I wish I had a SIMC post today. I haven’t had time or energy to create one. I’ve been slacking.
Those are so cool! I wonder how many accidents those zebra’s cause! hee hee
i love those lovely creatures!
these zebras are so beautiful!
street photography at its best. 🙂
betty xx
I love that, what a great idea. I also went over and voted!
Wow, those are some rockin zebras!
What amazing graffiti, Sorry I have not left many comments recently, it is hard to keep up with all my blogging friends. I do see all your posts in my reader though. Take Care.s
I understand. I was just telling someone else that using the reader makes me comment less.