Just another day in the park.
San Francisco, CA
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Aww… that last snap is so sweet. I guess you're never big old for swings! A really fun set this week.
and what a lovely day it was! That put pie of yours is growing by leaps and bounds.
I'm jealous of you, living so close to my niece and her wonderful husband. You don't, by chance, know Nicki and Yes, do you? Yes is a political activist and architect who started the Urban Swing Project, among many, many others. You can find it here:www.yesduffy.com Click on the middle, then Architecture to find the project.
Hope you're having a happy, hopeful weekend!
There is nothing better than a swing from a tree. It looks like a perfect time.
Happy SIMC. Thanks for hosting this.
xo jj
Swings are irresistible…
Love the pictures today.
Have a beautiful Sunday with your family. xxx
Swings are my favourite… The last photo is beautiful.
swing, swing…yes I can still remember how it feels.
I'm so happy you have time to be together…
I hope you don't mind that my post is a bit different today. I finally did it – moved to WP!
Still tiny things to do but the main job is done.
Thank you for trying to help me. I finally got everything okay.
Next week back on track! 🙂
Have a beautiful Sunday!
ooops, I wrote already a comment but now it's gone…again.
I can still remember how swinging up and down felt…
I'm happy you have time to be together…
I hope you don't mind my a bit 'different' post this week. I finally did it – moved to WordPress! Still some minor issues to be done but the change is done and I like it!
Thank you for trying to help me. Finally I got everything okay. I was so tired when I asked…Next day was better!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
Put Pie looks all grown up, close to a little lady!! and yes, I too love swings!! I love the parks where there are no signposts saying “only below 12 years”….Cause swings are hard to resist!!!
Fun in the park 🙂
Sounds like a perfect day with your two loves. Have a wonderful Sunday!
Love the wood swing in the tree. May you swing your day away with happy thoughts today.
Nice in one way with dad not working, he has more time with your daughter.
A Sunday in the park on the swings is as nice as a Sunday can be. Your pics are precious.
Oh my, how could of I have missed these Sundays in your city.
But most that pink little beauty!!
B xx
I can't remember the last time I was on a swing, the simple things are the best.
I love the park pictures. Papi looks like he is having so much fun! Have a great Sunday!
How adorable……..did Put Pie cry when daddy wouldn't share the swing?
Your swinging husband looks like he's enjoying the day. How the playdates with the other daddies going?
Will Put Pie sit on his lap when he swings? That's fun to do.
I love those days in the park! Lovely post as usual! Happy Sunday to you!
LOVE UP's hat! And, the park is awesome, too. :o)
I love the picture of Unknown Papi on the swing!
Playdates went really well, but the other daddy is out of town right now.
Put Pie doesn't actually like swings. She associates them with naps because she used to take naps in a Graco one.
I love his shoes.
I wasn't automatically re directed : )
You will have to tell me if you LOVE wordpress a zillion times more.
I am just not that gaga over moving.
I don't think I ever will.
We will see : )
If you are happy with Blogger, then stay. It's a lot of work. I'm happy with the move. I wish I would have done it sooner so that I wouldn't have dealt with feed issues, but hindsight is 20/20 and I've always needed glasses.
bumped here from SubWOW, and l must say this Sunday thing is very cool…
I love lazy days in the park! 🙂
Oh man – that looks like so much fun!! Looks like a fun day!
I love swings. 🙂 And the flat board ones are the best. Those plastic ones pinch my ample bottom.
Looks like a fabulous Sunday!!
I love the last photo – She looks so cute in her little pink top and shoes 🙂
Looks like a perfectly relaxing Sunday!
I love a stroll through a park. As for my post is it a case of better late than never…or is early on Monday morning too late to post about what went on for my Sunday?
Great pics! I'm looking for a camera, any camera so I can do this along with you, I live in such a great city and really, how can someone (like me) blog from India and NOT show pictures? It is such visual country.
I joined you again on I Comment Therefore I Am, as I just love doing it. But it's up a bit early cos when your Monday starts mine finishes. It's the time difference you see! So if you get a minute, please do drop over……I'll be so happy! xx
How cute was that!!!!
Of course it's not too late to post!
Go give that guy a push already!
And that little one is too stinkin' cute with all that hair!
That looks like a great day! A stroll through a park. Thank you for hosting, this really is a fun meme. I have enjoyed looking through all the “cities”.
I swang on a swing this past weekend as well 🙂
That swing is just begging to be taken pictures of. Buen trabajo Mami!
I finally got my act together and took some pictures last Sunday. I'll play along this weekend! – G
Yay! Can't wait.
I spilled water all over my camera yesterday. I don't think it's going to survive. I'm so bummed.
They are so cute together!
These are so sweet!!