I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
Let’s travel the world together!
Looks like great weather where you are Unknown Mami, I hope you are having a great day.
I’ve got a section of the East Coast covered this week and you have the West Coast 🙂 Looks like the water is just as blue on your side of the world!
Nice shots! Can’t wait to visit this spot! So much to do here! A bit cold for us but I keep hearing it is not a typical summer in the bay area.
What beautiful views!
Your trees are so different from ours. I love that difference. Very pretty.
Beautiful views and walk to take. Do people still use the Sutro baths?
Have a great Sunday. xxx
Hello Mami, I missed Sunday In My City but I am back. I love the ocean!
I guess the Sutro Baths is that large pool on the beach? Looks inviting but no one in the water!
The seaside is so beautiful!
That’s a very interesting looking place.
Thanks for the beauty of your photos that keeps me yearning for them. 🙂
Happy Sunday!
Big hugs,
B xx
I would love to be able to snap my fingers or wiggle my nose and be instantly where you are…Wow! Breathe taking beauty!
Very pretty. And I know it even looks warm! I know that isn’t always how it actually is though. I’ll be back next week to join in on Sunday in My City. Have a great Sunday!
Greetings from Bilbao, Spain! What a charming, clean city full of art…We love everything here – people, language, food…
Back to Casa later today.
I’ll visit other players blogs tomorrow.
You know how I feel about your city. I will not ever get enough pictures of your wonderful city. Hope you are feeling fine and you are enjoying your Sunday.
So pretty! Can people “bathe” in that big pool area?
I had to look up Sutro Baths. Looks like it was quite a place in its day.
Ok, I’m tired of winter, I want to go for a swim. What a beautiful spot!
One of my favorite places — I always loved that it was called Land’s End. Looking out, it feels like you are standing on the edge of the world.
Happy Sunday, friend!
Exceptionally beautiful shots of land’s end. I’m glad I came across this meme.
Lands end. I love it!
Looks hot! Sutro Baths, huh? Might have to google that.
I love pictures of the ocean! Thank you!
From glancing through the comments, you have a number of readers myself included wondering about this Sutro Baths place. I guess it’s not proper to mix blog memes but that sign would have been a good one for the game I tried starting called “where’s the clown”. Well I off to search the tubes of the internet to find out more about this place.
It’s beautiful.
I read this book with the Sutro baths in it…and they look exactly like it described!!
Wonderful coastline photos. I hope that you appreciate the beauty there, as I can only see it in pictures.
That looks a heck of a lot different when it is nice and sunny! Gorgeous weekend in SF!
I too will need to google and see where these are. It does look wonderful. Thanks again for hosting, I love seeing the world from my couch. Making lists of course, of places I will go someday!!
this looks like a beautiful day!
You should come for a visit.
Very pretty this week.
Hey, I actually did it! I am so proud of myself. I did a Sundays in my City. It’s almost done!
BTW: It’s item #3 in my current blog post.
Awesome pictures as usual. Looks like a perfect place to go scuba diving.
So pretty! I wish I was there, watching the waves. Have I mentioned that the beaches around here are covered with rocks? Interesting to look at, but not very inviting.
Better late than never, right? I came back to link up 🙂
Nice shots except for that ONE SIGN. As a precaution, I never POINT at Wolves for fear they will eat me. You see I always seem to smell like a hamburger??? W.C.C.
Land’s End looks like a great place to visit.
I love Sundays in my City, thanks for hosting.
This is a very interesting point of view. Your blog is refreshing, but I wish one could find more content, though. I am looking forward to reading more from you. Keep up the good work. thanks.
I can almost hear the water. Gorgeous!
It’s so absolutely beautiful there!
nice. love the ocean view…what are those structures down below?
The sea – always a comfort and a beautiful one…
Nice area – Been to San francisco over 50 times, never got to explore.
Wow. So peaceful. Love it.
Looks like you enjoyed a great day. Loved the photos.
I love your Sundays shots! The first is my fav.
You live in a truly beautiful city!
We have honeymoon photos at Point Lobos. Good times…..