One can only have so many Thanksgiving leftovers before getting a craving for something else. We took a break from turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing to go grab some bites at Super Duper Burgers. Their garlic fries are potent, pungent and oh so very good.
A little parenting tip for parents of kids who eat just about nothing: Our kids are ridiculously picky eaters, but we find that if we order a grilled chicken breast just about anywhere we go they will eat it.
Super Duper Burgers
San Francisco, CA
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ALSO READ: Guess It’s That Time of the Year Again (Sundays In My City)
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I have been away from the states for far too long. I just can’t eat greasy food like that anymore. It doesn’t even look apetising to me, although I am sure it did back when I lived in San Francisco.
It’s most certainly not light fare that’s for sure. The place is about a mile away from our home and we walk there and back otherwise we would surely go into a grease coma.
Oh my, that looks delicious!!! Have to put that place on my list.
The garlic fries look tasty!