This week I will not be participating in Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop, which I so love. Crazy, I know! Such a drastic upheaval in my blogging routine.
Today, instead of posting for Writer’s Workshop I am handing out the second installment of the Mami Likes Me and You Should Too Awards!
This award was created as my response to all the lovely awards I have been honored to receive. Please check out my awards page for a complete list. I love getting awards, but I am not good at following the rules so what I have done is absorb all the wonderful mojo of these awards and turned them into another award that I will distribute from time to time. I will give this award to blogs that I truly love in hopes that you will visit them and love them to.
The rules of this award are simple. You may display this prestigious award on your blog or in your bathroom or nowhere at all. You do not need to do anything other than know in your blogger’s heart that I think you and your blog are fantastic. Mami likes you! Mami really likes you!
I present this award to the following blogs:
38 and Growing: This Chickadee is new to bloggyville, but I have the pleasure of knowing her IRL. She is charming, quirky, creative, and spirited.
When did I Become my Mom?: I fell in love with her from the very first comment she left for me and when I visited her blog I knew I was head over heals.
Aunt of 14: I value diversity in all its forms. I think it is important for us to realize that life is experienced in many different ways. This is for Aunt of 14’s profile: I am profoundly deaf, and lots of deaf people label me as “hearing of mind.” She is awesome!
I have many, many more blogs that I want to give this award to, but I will only give this award to a few blogs at a time because I want you to take a few moments to visit the ones that are new to you; they are wonderful, you will like them too.
Regular programming will be resumed next week.
Ah! You're lack of routine is making my ocd go crazy! 😉
ame bat time, same bat chanell….hehehe a little break in the routine is sometimes good for the soul;)
You're up to new and fun tricks! 🙂
What a pleasant surprise! I was really startled to find my blog in this post! You are the beeeeeeest I'm all aflutter with excitement in my belly at getting an award from you! 🙂 Thank you!! 🙂
I love your blog!! 🙂
You like me. You really like me!
Well, without a doubt this is the best surprise of my day (the check is in the mail — hee hee!)
Well you are officially my first award and I attribute much of my blogging growth to you my IRL friend and blogger mentor. Still have lots to learn but tonight I feel pretty fabulous. And you know how I love fabulous.
You are the best! Thank you bunches!!!!
gla to hear evrything is ok! Scares me for a minute there!!! Gotta go check out those blogs! Love you Mami
I am in awe of you every time I visit. Thanks for the referrals. I can't wait to read all about them.
Cool! I think changes can be good every once in a while. It can be nice to deviate from routine sometimes. Love it! Oh, by the way, I tagged you on my blog, I hope you don't mind. 😀
I am so excited to go and meet your blogging favorites. You know, since I don't have a million and one great blogs waiting for me on my FOREVER growing list of blogs…. I know your picks will be delightful though. Can not wait to check them out!
Type your comment here.
I love being led to fun new blogs. Thanks for the tip. I can't wait to check them out.
I LOVE YOU TOOO! That might be the nicest thing anybody's ever said about me… You are such a sweetie. Thank you so much. I am very honored. 🙂
i am soooo bad with awards
I already read aunt of 14 and adore her but I will check out the other 2 now
wanted to let you know we are getting closer to announcing everyones exchange partner so look for an email from us soon
I'm shocked you're not doing the Writer's Workshop but it's sometimes nice to 'shake things up' and do something different.
A little break from the norm is good – shake things up. Off to check out your peeps (the ones I don't already know, that is). You've never steered me wrong before…
Get out of here! Thank you for being so nice to me.
I know it's a pain in the butt, but will you consider including your website when you leave a comment? That way if others that comment want to visit you, they can just click on your name and be taken there.
Again, thank you for your kindness! You made my day.
Of course I don't mind.
I love Auntof14 too; I'm a follower. Now I will definitely have to visit the other two!
What a lovely gift you give to people. I think it's the way you wrap your heart around people 🙂
Kristin – The Goat
Your kindness has really touched me. Thank you!
Got to check them out!! Thanx Mami. Luv Ya!! ~Amor, Familia Y Cultura~ Betty