The time has come to properly introduce myself to you. I started this blog in 2009 and had no idea what it would grow into. To say that I am pleasantly surprised is an understatement.
When I first started blogging I donned a paper bag to keep myself honest. I believed that a certain sense of anonymity would allow me to in a way be more transparent and it worked. I did feel like I could be more open, more myself, and not worry about El Qué Dirán. I would reveal my true identity to a few people here and there, but for the most part I was happy to be the blogger behind the paper bag. It felt safe.
As the blog has grown, it has become harder and harder to keep my identity a secret and if you really wanted to know you could have figured it out. I’ve left clues. I Facebook “like” my own page under my real name. I’ve “accidentally” sent emails and blog subscriptions from my personal account.
The paper bag has served me well, but it no longer feels like it is keeping me honest. It is starting to feel like I am hiding behind it and I don’t want to hide. I am ready to just be me. Even The Unknown Comic eventually revealed himself. So here goes…
This is me with a paper bag over my head. The idea of Unknown Mami was inspired by The Unknown Comic. I fancy myself funny on occasion and I am unknown to many.
This is me without the paper bag…
My name is Claudya with a “Y”. I’ll tell you the story behind that some other day. The picture above was taken 7 months into being a mami. I was desperate to connect and to have a sense of community. I missed acting and I missed making people laugh, my 7 month old did not get my jokes at all. I made the paper bag with clip art and PowerPoint.
This is me in black and white. I wear glasses full-time because I have iritis and some corneal scarring. When I started blogging, I mostly wore contacts.
This is me in technicolor in my kitchen. That is a partially eaten quesadilla in the background. Help yourself.
You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry. Just ask Unknown Papi, he doesn’t like me when I’m angry.
This is me on the day that I got married. I’m looking at Unknown Papi in this picture. I love the way I’m looking at him, like I know that he is as awesome as he is.
My future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades…
I’m just keepin’ it real in this one. I’m a busy Mami with a blog and I don’t always get to groom the way I should.
I know it’s weird, right? The drapes don’t match the ‘stache.
This is me on a good day…
This headshot was taken by my friend Ashley Forrette.
So there you have me. You now know my name (it’s Claudya, don’t worry I’m terrible at remembering names too) and you know what I look like. What does it mean for this blog? Not much.
I’ll still keep blogging the way I’ve been blogging, but if you “accidentally” catch a glimpse of me in a picture or I “slip” and sign an email with my real name it won’t be a big deal because I willingly took off the paper bag.
And don’t worry about the paper bag, I’ll still use it. I’ve become so fond of that paper bag, I almost don’t recognize myself without it.
Thank you so much for the support you’ve shown me as a blogger, a mother, and a fellow human being. Thank you for making me feel that it is okay to show the face behind the paper bag.
Hello! Nice to finally see ya 🙂 You are a beautiful woman
Well I already knew you were beautiful. But you truly are stunning. And I owe you a thanks…3 years ago I started my blog and this anonymous gal in a paper bag who made me laugh helped encourage me and I didn’t feel so silly for doing it. You have inspired me. And while I must continue to show my life literally through my feet for a cairety of reasons, I am so happy to see the face and the name behind the bag. best,
You are awesome and so are your feet.
🙂 Funny thing. I changed my profile photo too, today. By the way, I figured out how you look when you posted that “multicolor” knit-texture photo – and yes, knew how beautiful you are. I know you’re gorgeous on the inside. And now, with or without the paperbag, you’ll be loved in exactly the same way, Unknown Mami. Okay, Claudya :D. At least if I ever think what you and I have in common, I know what to say, eh? “ya”!
Be well, always. And I hope we get to meet face to face some day. Love you.
I love all your pictures! I have been waiting forever for this big reveal. I understand so much of what you meant. We start blogs not knowing what will become of them and hiding seems safe. But you are too good to hide.
Nice to meet the other side of you!
My guess is that you were a little nervous about this “reveal”. I would say it was done beautifully and is a total success. You are far to beautiful to keep your head under a paper bag, even a very cute paper bag.
Your guess is correct, I was very nervous. Thank you for always being so kind.
Nice to finally see you! I knew you were a beautiful mami 🙂
Beautiful shots! It’s a big deal posting personal photos on a blog, and I respect your reasons for not doing it sooner. It’s nice to be able to put a face with the name though! 🙂
Bellisima!! Love it 🙂
Love it!!!!
I’m getting a little misty. Nice to see your beautiful face on here (although I though the bag was nice looking too). Love, MoMo
Thank you Momo. Love you, too.
Yay, finally! You are even more b
Beautiful than you were in college.
You are very beautiful! I’m so glad I stuck around long enough to meet the real you.
I was also anonymous on my blog until the third year so I know how you feel. By the way, your picture unveiling looks much better than mine did.
Love the unveiling! You are gorgeous inside and out. Here’s to being honest and loving all sides if ourselves!
Well hello! The great thing about listening to your voice over the years is that we all knew you were beautiful, by the way you wrote…inside and out! BTW I can’t seem to find an updated pic of me that I can live with…can I borrow your bag?
How exciting!!! I knew your name but I have to say that seeing your face has always made me curious. Congratulations 🙂
Claudya! You’re gorgeous! I didn’t suspect any less, of course, but it’s nice to be validated.
Que Bella! It’s so nice to see your beautiful smile. Congratulations on this great moment 🙂
Well, well, well! Who’d have ever guessed you were cute as a button . . . oh, that’s right, all of us!! Nice to meet you, C!
Hey Claudya! It’s great to see you face to face!
You are so stinking CUTE!!!!! I’ve been waiting a long time for this. You did teach me, however… that it really doesn’t matter what someone looks like. I thought I needed to see your eyes to be able to connect with you. I thought I needed to see your face to feel comfortable, but I didn’t need any of that. I’ve loved following you since the day I joined you. You’ve been inspirational and very supportive, and I appreciate you for who you are, with or without the bag! Thank you for taking this step, it can’t have been too easy for you.
How nice that you decided to expose yourself!
I have to say, I did feel some sense of familiarity with this reveal of yours. I am sure I know you from somewhere!! But I can’t see how.
So glad to see the bag come off! I have been so afraid that I would use your name on a comment — haha! But seriously, I’m glad the world has seen your amazing smile!!!
YEAH!!!!! You are so beautiful…but I knew that WITH the paper bag. 😉
Holy Toledo Bagface! You really did show your mug! Remember when you teased us and said you’d reveal your mug and it was in fact a MUG! Yeah, I thought this was going to be another trick. You are beautiful!
Mami! I love it/you!
Hi Claudya you are just a beautiful as I imagined! Nice to but a face to the words/laughs/tears…..etc!
I so had my fingers crossed yesterday when you posted your teaser post that we might get a glimpse under the bag 😉 So glad that was the case!!! Just lovely!
So nice to “see” you! You really are stunning. That wedding picture is awesome. =)
Well Hellllloooooooo! I love that you are “out” now. And you are beautiful, with a beautiful name. 🙂
Glad to see you from behind the paper bag. I have just started my blog in February and I understand the need for privacy on the internet. i am so glad to follow your blog and have you comment on mine = i tried to read your blog every day
Thank you for your support.
Yay! You are beautiful! It’s good to finally see the unveil.
The headshot taken by your friend is great. Lovely smile. Your decision on this would not of mattered to me, I browse over here for the funny words coming from that great mind of yours. Also, the SIMC meme. You look similar to our neighbor across the street (she also has 2 girls). While you were a mysterious Latina I had this picture in my mind.
I wish! What a letdown it must be to see the real me. I’ve got nothing on Sofia.
No it was not a letdown. You are wonderful in every way. I just wanted to share how my mind filled-in the unknown picture. My pick was a good one right?
Bella, bella, bella! I love your wedding photo!
Hi Claudya with a Y. Nice to finally meet you. Elissa (yes with 2 s’s)
I’m almost as excited to know your name as to see your face for some odd reason!
You are so beautiful. I mean I always knew you were but you are more physically beautiful than I imagined, and you look younger than I pictured too.
And OMG I’m so excited that you really did it!!!!
Well, hello gorgeous! You managed to keep a lot of us dangling while holding our breaths. It is worth every second! As said before me, I think you are as beautiful inside the bag as you are outside. Now I see where your girls get that fabulous hair! Thank you for stepping outside of your comfort zone. You have inspired me to do the same!
Claudya, It is so nice to see you and I love your name! You are so pretty, a beautiful bride and I love your head shot “on a good day” which I am sure you pull off every single day! Thank you so much.
You are gorgeous!!! Great to SEE your happy mug. 🙂
Yay! Now you’re the known Mami! You look great!
It’s so nice to see the woman behind Unknown Mami! You are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. I’m a big fan! What an exciting reveal!
Yay!! So glad you did this, I really enjoy following your blog and had created an image of you based on a composite of people that I already know (curly hair, glasses) but you look just as you should, like you! So nice to “meet” you in a new way 🙂
Well hello Clauyda. My my, you are stunning! And you want to know something kinda weird? I pictured you somewhat the same. I knew you had to be gorgeous. Somehow I just knew that. Paper bag or no paper bag, I’m a fan of you, your blog and your beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing!
🙂 Glad you finally “came out”.
Stunning is indeed the word to describe your gorgeous self. Doesn’t it feel good to just be you now? I know you said you would still use the bag, but after the growth of your blog and your meeting so many other bloggers, it is a privilege to be among your followers who meet you face to face.
you’re just as beautiful as I had imagined! ♥ you!
You are just beautiful! No need to hide behind that old bag any more.
I HOPED this was what your big surprise was going to be!
Nice to ‘meet’ the second real you!
You’re gorgeous, just like I knew you would be. 🙂
You are one pretty lady!! How nice to see you in-bagged?? Is that a real word?? Anyway it truly is lovely to ‘see’ you 😉
How do you do, and thanks for the revelation. But, as the others have said, we almost all had a picture of you in our minds because of all the things you have written. It’s nice to see your smile, (and mustache) and it’s nice to witness your comfort with being known. Have a hug from me.
Gorgeous. You have a beautiful smile. How does it feel to be unmasked? 🙂
I am so happy you have shown your beautiful, sunny, awesome face!
(and I am glad I have seen the real thing in real life!)
So great to see your face! What a beautiful face it is! Thanks for sharing your identity with us! What a great post. 🙂
yay i still remember the day we met outside of blogher and you came up saying im the unknown mami with the paper bag lol it was the best!
You are beautiful, just as I suspected.
Yeah to the removal of you paper bag!!! You are gorgeous! I feel more connected to you now that I see your face.
Well aren’t you gorgeous! Lovely to see who you really are! I am sometimes tempted to reveal myself on my blog too as there’s no real reason for being anonymous. Maybe one day.
Aah and I had to cry, something is not right with me. Thank you Mami for revealing your beautiful face. You are more beautiful than Salma Hayek I had imagined and so I was a little surprise to see a soft sweet face. I love your smile looking at Pepi.
You are so pretty, I’m glad to see you finally removed the bag–although, I must say it was a very clever idea!
I know what you mean about keeping it real! I used to be lots more forthcoming until I realized lots of my family members were reading! Slowly trying to forget that as I blog! You really are beautiful without the bag! But I do love that bag!
I wish I’d known you when you were just a paper bag — this is my first introduction to your beautiful face 🙂 I found you b/c my friend Vidya Sury follows you, and now I can see why!
Holy shit, you’re pretty!
Oh, and if you’re not using that bag anymore, um, could I have it?
I’m still gonna rock the bag most days.
Oh darlin’, I came over to get a peek. I’m so happy you ditched the bag, you are a beauty to behold. I always knew there was something wonderful under that bag!
Great pictures sweetie, (well, ‘cept for that one with the blown up lips)!
Thanks for sharin’.
God bless and have yourself one great weekend sweetie!!! :o)
As gorgeous on the outside as the inside. Love your writing, now have a beautiful face to put with it.
So happy you came out of the bag, Claudya! I love the picture of you looking at Unknown Papi!!!!
so nice to finally put a name & face to one of my favorite bloggers. Love how you did a variety of pix. You are beautiful!
You. Are. Stunning.
I knew it! Xxx
Well, aren’t you kind?!
You is one hot mama!
Much appreciated.
Visit me at:
You are gorgeous Claudya, and your name is rather neat too!
Thanks for taking of the freakin paper bag!
I love you!
My computer is still not fully recovered but I just had to call by and discover what the big reveal you promised me is! Good to meet you Claudya. 🙂
Thank you for coming to take a peek.
Visit me at:
And you think your moustache is bad? I have one, too. But I don’t post it for everyone to see. Nice to see some shots of you.
Hey Claudya! Thanks for coming over, it’s been ages! It’s a pleasure to see the face behind the paper bag! Indigo
Well, pleased to meet you, Mami! Now that Google+ posts my real name, there’s no keeping any secrets over here anymore, either.
Yup, the day came where I just couldn’t hide behind the paper bag anymore.
You are beautiful, when can I come and do some portraits?
Claudya, wow I know a bit more of you and you are the same I imagined. Thanks for sharing. xxx
I’d love it if you came and did some portraits.
Goodness me, Claudya-
Get that bag back on right now, young lady!
You make me feel sooo old and frumpy. I know I’m only 18 even if the outer casing is a little worn round the edges….
Happy Day,
L x
Not sure how I missed this monumental event, but like the other four-thousand-eleventy people said, you are so BEAUTIFUL. (I knew you would be.)
It must be so much easier to breathe without that bag on!
I still use it when I’m hyperventilating.
You are so beautiful but i knew it even before this big reveal
You are beautiful, and just too funny! lol Glad to finally see the real you! 🙂
Awwww! So nice to see your beautiful face, Claudya. But you will always be Unknowmami to me
I’ve been MIA and come to find you out of your bag! What a great surprise. Looking good Mami!
nije problem trebali ste odnma reć nije nikakav problem oćete sa suprugom djete je u školi kod bake je neznam ima i dragicina sa magdalenom kad je bila mala curica sve štima ok uslikat ću je sad ova je slika velika može ..moment gospođa se sređiva neće na modnu reviju ja mogu i u pidžami ja sam cool evo nadam se kompropmisu ja ću stavit u svoj web nadam se da nemože uslikao sam je naravno koda ali slika može na profilo reaLNO NADAM SE DA TU I NEJ+KA OSTANE U ALBUMU HVALA
Zoran Arifovic
sekund da ja svoju prebacim sad loviš me u mutnom malopruije nemojn bufdi cool
You are even more beautiful than I imagined. Well, not that I was imagining you regularly or anything. 😉
You’re funny.