Hola Chulas y Chulos! Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Flying Chancla Report wherein I direct you to things on the internet that I gave a flying chancla about and that you may want to know about.
Bueno, hay va….
- Let’s say you are a mami with a lonja or two that you are working on getting rid of and you are all set to use your kids Wii to do some Zumba, but the gosh darned Wii remotes won’t work, well this here is how you re-sync the Wii remotes.
- Oh, you know, Gwyneth Paltrow is being wacky and weird again. She posted on her site Goop about the Mugworth V-steam and how it’s the “golden ticket” at some spa in LA that she likes. Basically it is a vagina facial. I hate to say it, but sounds kinda douchey to me, no gracias!
- This is awesome sauce!
- Do you ever find yourself writing a title and wondering which words are supposed to be capitalized and which are not? Let TitleCapitalization.com figure it out for you. Boom!
- Got kids? Eventually they will get lice. You will have to learn how to get rid of lice.
- If you think that chicks are the ones who have no selfie control online, you may be surprised to learn that a new study found out that men are twice as likey as women to take selfies. How you like them cojones?
- Shakira and Gerard Piqué welcomed their second baby boy, Sasha Piqué Mebarak, into the world on January 29th and no one seems to be making fun of the name they chose. That’s refreshing, no? Oh and Shakira also shared the first picture of Sasha on Instagram. Here you go…
That’s it for this week’s installment of The Flying Chancla Report. Hope you enjoyed it and if you find anything you think my chancla would be interested in, be sure to email it to me at unknownmami@gmail.com
Enjoyed the video and what a great post! Need to pin this for future use…….
Oh yay! I’m glad you liked it. I’m online so much I figured I may as well start curating all the stuff I find.
Great post and guess what?! Our 5 year old just came home with lice! lol
Oh my gosh! Those lice, it’s like every single parent is going to have to deal with it at some point.
I try to be nice but Gwyneth has fully gone off the rails.
I know! What is up with her. It’s like she exists in this rarefied realm where the air she breaths makes her say and do the oddest things. But dang it she looks good in a bikini!
That she does!!! LOL
My flying chancla appreciates the love.
I loved the report. Especially the video -now that was really cool!