Hola Chulas y Chulos. Time for your weekly dose of The Flying Chancla Report. I’ve thrown my chancla across the internets to find pieces that you will give a flying chancla about and boy, oh boy are you gonna dig these chanclazos!
Check it out:
- My mind has been blown! Why? Because apparently, Jennifer Lopez and that infamous green Versace dress are the reason Google Images was invented. Qué, qué?! Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt wrote a piece for Project Syndicate where he states, “after the 2000 Grammy Awards, where Jennifer Lopez wore a green dress that, well, caught the world’s attention. At the time, it was the most popular search query we had ever seen. But we had no surefire way of getting users exactly what they wanted: JLo wearing that dress. Google Image Search was born.”
- I’m a big fan of “Orange Is the New Black” and I can’t wait to get my binge watching on when Season 3 premieres on Netflix on June 12. In the meantime check out the trailer they just put out! You’ve gotta see Big Boo’s makeover.
Speaking of entertaining entertainment, did you hear that Diego Luna will be playing Giacomo Casanova —Yes, yes, THAT Casanova!— in a pilot for Amazon? Hmm, I don’t know about you, but I’m interested in Diego Luna history I think I’ll be checking that out for educational purposes.
- There is an Indiegogo campaign that is set to start on April 16, to help fund a project being called, “Selena the One”. What the heck is this project about? Here’s the announcement posted on the Selena Facebook page: “Acrovirt, LLC announces the launch of Selena The One, the development of a walking, talking, singing, and dancing, digital embodiment of iconic singer, Selena… ‘Selena The One’ will release new songs and videos, will collaborate with current hit artists, and aims to go on tour in 2018.” Am I the only one who finds this more than a bit distasteful and like just another way to make money off of a dead superstar? You know that if this works out a Jenny Rivera version will be next.Ayayaya, people.
That’s all my flying chancla has time for this week. Remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
JLO was the reason behind Google Images? Holy tamales!!! That’s insane.
I”m excited to see another Diego Luna film. I absolutely adore him, plus he’s a GREAT actor (at least I think so). As for the Selena hologram tour, I will say two things. First, I seen this coming from the moment the fans went crazy over the Tupac hologram during Coachcella a couple years ago. I knew right away that eventually it would make its way into other deceased artists. Right away I thought Micheal Jackson, Biggie, Kurt Cobain, Aaliyah, and Selena (don’t know why those were the big names that popped in my head). So I’m not totally surprised about this Selena tour. I know what you mean about making money off a deceased artist and I totally agree with you but because I am truly a Selena fan and I never got to see her, I really hope the tour makes its way to Canada!!!!
I like your perspective on the Selena hologram. I guess my issue is really with the hologram being able to release new songs. I mean how the heck are they gonna get a hologram to have the artistry of the original. I get have the hologram do the things that Selena did actually do, but new stuff? How?
I agree with you about the Selena hologram. It seems disrespectful or creepy or . . . something. Cool about JLo! I did not know that!
I had no idea that JLo was why Google Images was created. Well..thank you to JLo because I love Google Images.
I remember that dress being the most talked about dress of the decade. I can see why it would prompt Google to create a directory for images. It was haute then and it’s still haute now 🙂
The Selena thing..hmmm not sure about that as a tour. I have seen the holograms of MIchael Jackson and thought it was kind of cool. But it wasn’t a tour. That’s weird. Thanks for the Chancla report! 🙂