Hola Chulas y Chulos it’s time for your weekly virtual smack brought to you by The Flying Chancla Report. I’ve thrown my chancla across the internets to find items you will give a flying chanclazo about.
Here we go!
Are you familiar with the term “oversharenting”? It’s when you are a parent and you post what others consider way too many pictures and updates about your kids. I get it, it can be annoying, but the thing about Facebook is that you can hide, block or unfriend people. Well that’s not what some anonymous capital letter “A” orifices did to Jade Ruthvan, an Australian mom who was sharing all kinds of cuteness related to her baby girl online.
These anonymous ruffians (although part of me thinks it’s just one person pretending to be a group) wrote Ruthvan an unsigned letter—hence the anonymous cowardice of it all—that reads, “I have got together with a few of the girls and we are all SO OVER your running commentary of your life and every single thing Addy does. Look we all have kids that we are besotted with — guess what – every parent thinks their kid is the best ever. But we don’t ram it down everyone else’s neck!!! She wears a new outfit – well take a photo and send it PRIVATELY to the person who gave it to her – not to everyone!!!! She crawls off the mat – we DON’T care!!!!! She’s 6 months old – BIG DEAL!!! Stop and think – if every mother posted all that crap about their kid – I’m sure you’d get over it pretty quickly. We can’t wait for you to get back to work – maybe you won’t have time to be on Facebook quite so much. Addy is gorgeous and we all love her, but our kids are great too. I guess you are just pissing a lot of people off with all your ‘Addy this and Addy that’ – we all thought it might ease off after the first month, but it hasn’t. Not everyone is as interested as you are about what Addy does so give us all a break. We’re doing this to let you know what people really think.”
Seriously?! Someone’s Facebook updates about their kid got your chonies in such a bunch you had to write and mail them a letter? Write a letter to government officials to get things changed that actually matter. If someone on Facebook bugs you with their joy, love or baby adulation just BLOCK them and go on about your business of being bitter and if you are going to complain to them because they are an actual “friend” that you care about don’t do it anonymously.
I read Kim Gordon’s memoir “Girl in a Band” and wrote a review about it that got published on Viva Fifty! Please check it out if you have a moment.
ALSO READ: The Flying Chancla Report 4/10/2015
- Salma Hayek recently joined social media and I’m kind of loving her Instagram feed. There isn’t much on it yet, but already her love of animals is super apparent and giving me the feels. Check out these two videos I’m hearting.
Just in case you are wondering, I am wearing fake fur! A video posted by Salma Hayek Pinault (@salmahayek) on
- Gwyneth Paltrow seems to have become one of those people that everyone loves to hate. She just makes it so easy by saying things that make her sound like she breathes rarified air or at least her vagina does—remember the whole steam cleaning vagina recommendation—and in a way she does, but if I’m being perfectly honest I don’t think she’s a bad person. I think that for the most part her heart is in the right place. Like recently when she accepted a challenge put forth by Mario Batali to “raise awareness and money for the Food Bank From New York City by trying to live on $29 dollars for the week (what low income families on SNAP are trying to survive on).” Here’s a picture of what she bought for the week:
This is what $29 gets you at the grocery store—what families on SNAP (i.e. food stamps) have to live on for a week. pic.twitter.com/OZMPA3nxij
— Gwyneth Paltrow (@GwynethPaltrow) April 9, 2015
Of course, she couldn’t survive on that amount of food for an entire week. She made it about four days and had to cheat.Now, while everyone focuses on what a jerk she is for even trying the challenge, I would like to highlight a good point that she brings up which is that “many hardworking mothers are being asked to do the impossible: Feed their families on a budget which can only support food businesses that provide low-quality food. The food system in our beautiful country needs to be subjected to a heavy revision—it is a cyclical problem, with repercussions that we all feel. I’m not suggesting everyone eat organic food from some high horse in the sky. I’m saying everyone should be able to afford fresh, real food.” Yes, Gwyneth is privileged and can be annoying and yes she failed the challenge, BUT we as a country are failing the people who need food assistance. Basically because the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides only $29 per week per person we are saying that people who need food assistance deserve to eat crap and that’s not Gwyneth’s fault.
That’s all my flying chancla has time for this week. Remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
About that “oversharenting” thing I will agree with the group as well as with you. Personally, I dislike when moms post pictures and status updates on every milestone their child reaches. And as a mom myself, I understand that you want everyone to know how cute and special your child is. But really can’t you just make an album for family and close friends only (that’s what I do) that way you’d only share those special moments with the ones who really care or want to be kept in the loop. You’re right that one can unfriend, block etc a person who is “annoying.” But that’s not cool, I wouldn’t want to block or unfriend someone just because everything they post is about their kid(s). I mean dang, I’m a mom and I completely understand where these moms are coming from. However, we do have those moms who like to show off, oh look my kid is in track and field, and basketball, and plays guitar and is an honor student blah blah blah, those are the type of parents I would so block and unfriend. I knew a girl who always competed with everyone in high school and when she became a mother she continued to do so (through social media). Anyhow what I’m trying to say is if you want to share everything about your kid(s) on social media- create a flippin’ folder and make it visible to only family and close friends. PERIOD!! That way everyone wins and everyone is happy!!!!
Oh, I hide people’s posts. I don’t usually unfriend folks, but I let FB know I don’t care for a certain things on my feed. You know supposedly I’m a “mommy” blogger, but I don’t really feature my kids all that much on social media or the blog because it’s my thing, not theirs. If I do show them, I don’t show their full faces. I have a separate account for family and personal friends where I keep an album they can look at if they want. This isn’t to say I think everyone should do it this way, it’s just how I feel comfortable. I get more annoyed by people’s romantic declarations of love on FB because COME ON, go tell each other you’re in love in person.
Well I didn’t know you could hide people’s post on FB -then again I’m not a fan of FB. I’m more of a Google+ person. I know you don’t feature your children all that much on social media and neither do I. If I ever decided to, I would probably not show his face either. But that’s just the “miedosa” in me. I think about the most outrages scenarios and what would happen if I posted a pic of my son on social networks. And I totally agree with you, those romantic declarations are annoying. Additionally, so are the exposing of dirty laundry….ay ay ay!!!