Hola Chulas y Chulos! Welcome to your weekly edition of The Flying Chancla Report. I cast my chancla far and wide across the internet and here are some items that you are sure to give a flying chancla about.
- This Snickers commercial featuring Danny Trejo and Steve Buscemi has stolen my Brady Bunch loving heart.
- I’m a big fan of the company TOMS and how they provide something wonderful for someone else whenever you make a purchase. Well, they’ve just added bags to their collection and “with every bag you purchase, TOMS will help provide a safe birth for a mother and baby in need.” Here are a couple of TOMS bag options from their website. I feel like it is my duty as a mother, humanitarian, shopper and bag lover to get one.
Ever wonder what Dora the Explorer would sound like if voiced by Ice T? I gotcha…
- If you are Catholic, really into social media and can’t make it to church to confess, but you just need to get those sins off your chest, you can now confess via Snapchat. How the WHAT?! There is an ordained priest in San Antonio, Texas that goes by @PriestDavid that will take your confession via Snapchat. Holy social media!
Y colorín, colorado, este cuento se ha acabado. Hope you enjoyed it and if you come across anything you think my flying chancla might find of interest please be sure to email me at unknownmami@gmail.com.
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