Hola Chulas y Chulos it’s time for your weekly dose of The Flying Chancla Report. I threw my chancla across the internet far and wide to find things you will give a flying chancla about. Here we go!
- Are you the jealous type? Even if you aren’t this particular prank might bring out the green-eyed monster in you. You’ve got to watch, it’s so funny.
- And from funny to amazing…What about this video of a an ultrasound that shows the baby clapping?! Clapping you guys! The ultrasound was taken during the 14th week of pregnancy and when everyone in the room saw they baby was clapping, the doctor and mom started singing while the daddy filmed the whole thing.
- This made my jaw drop. Canadian meteorologist Kristi Gordon is pregnant, like really pregnant and it shows. She looks great to me, but apparently not everyone feels that way and she has been getting hate mail about her pregnant appearance. Seriously, who freakin’ sends hate mail to a woman who is pregnant for no other reason than she is showing? I don’t get it. Gordon works at Global News in British Columbia and she decided to address the haters and their body shaming shenanigans. The issue was addressed on a web-exclusive segment called News Hour PLUS. Press play to find out what some of these profane idiots wrote to her and how it affected her.
Thankfully she got a lot of support after revealing what she was going through and she wrote on the show’s website about what she’s learned and it’s a lesson we can all stand to learn. She says even though she’s a confident person the criticism got to her and made her question herself. She writes, “But I did learn a good lesson. No matter how rational or confident you are, the mean things people say can have an impact. The negative thoughts seep in when you don’t even realize it. Even a little joking comment could do some damage. Hopefully this can help us all be more aware of our impact on others.” - Son of a pistola! The internets keeps offering ways for you to exact revenge on your enemies by doing things like sending them an anonymous box of poop, gummy penises, glitter bombs and now you can insult a woman in your life by sending her a Wash Your Box Kit, the implication being that her junk stinks. I’m not gonna lie, I totally laughed when I read the following on the Wash Your Box website, “Imagine a woman receives this package. At first she’s offended someone out there thinks her vag smells. She’s conflicted. She wants to fix this problem but doesn’t want to shell out cash to buy some cleansing product. She’ll end up using a product called Moist sent by some asshole because the fear of having a vag that smells like a dead bear covered in mayonnaise is too much. You’ve just made that woman your bitch.” It’s funny, but it’s sad too. Really? People are going to spend $15 to anonymously send someone a vag washing kit? I mean if I’m going to spend $15 on someone, it’s gonna be because I like them and not because I want to insult them. I don’t have the time, energy or disposable income for that.
- Okay, Florida is at it again with it’s zaniness (seriously, the craziest stories always seem to come from Florida). A Florida dad decided to use the power of his Camaro to pull his son’s tooth. Don’t worry the Camaro was not in any way shape or form harmed. Oh yeah, neither was the kid, but that tooth was a total goner. Folks, please don’t try this anywhere outside of Florida. Sorry Florida, but COME ON!
That’s all my flying chancla has time for this week. Remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
That is some bunch of crazy!