Hola Chulas y Chulos! How the chanclada are you doing? Good, I hope. As for me and my chancla, we are busy getting ready for a trip to Washington D.C. to attend the We Won’t Wait Summit, which is focused on “elevating the voices of women of color, low-income and poor women, immigrant women, and young women to call for a policy agenda that promotes economic security and communities that thrive.” We all have a voice and we all should be using it, no crees? To that end this week’s The Flying Chancla Report is dedicated to inspiring you and yours to vote and if you don’t well, we’ll just have to insult your mother’s private parts. Confused? Read on…
- Por please, if you are eligible to vote and haven’t yet registered. Get on it! You can click on this link to register to vote. It will take you about two minutes or less to register. Share the link and get your community to vote too. A good way to encourage others to vote is by declaring your determination to vote and letting those who aren’t registered to vote know that registering is super easy and fast.
ALSO READ: Americans Overwhelmingly Want #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner - Now normally, I resort to using my chancla as a threat to get my kids and you to do things, but this time I’m going to add the threat of insulting your mother’s private parts to the mix. If you are eligible to vote and don’t do it come November, I will be forced to insult your dear mamá’s you know what. Yes, her vagina. And trust me Latinos are very good at going there as you will see from this video. Press play, laugh and then commit to voting so I don’t have to go all “concha tu madre” on you.
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
I wish you well on your DC trip. I may have to resort to insulting some friends mother’s private parts, as I keep hearing them say their vote doesn’t matter.