There is something off putting about dealing with the past in the present, no? Please tell me that I am not the only one who freaks out when their Past comes walking into their present? Like, “Uh, excuse me Past, what are you doing here? This is NOT your time. You had your time and then you were supposed to stay in the past, Past.”
But as off guard as the Past catches you, you can’t help but be a little curious because of course it is your Past and you have wondered about the Past at times. So you take a sort of surreptitious look over your shoulder at the Past and notice there is some greying at the temples and some weight has been put on and you’re glad you’re not the only one affected by time because then you’d really be pissed about the Past walking into your present.
You don’t want to care or be affected by the past at all, but you wonder what the Past thinks of you especially since the Past doesn’t even seem to recognize you at first. Ugh, friggin’ Past! So typical. It’s like the past all over again.
And it’s weird because even though you are so sure you were a totally different person in the past, when you see the Past, you are reminded that you aren’t all that different. That the who that you used to be still lives in the who that you are now.
What the hell is time anyway?
So you keep it together, make eye contact, say hello and stay grounded in your present because what the heck else are you gonna do? The Past is the past and you are in the here and now.
How do you deal with it when the Past unexpectedly walks into your present?
I don’t know. I try to avoid the past walking into my present at all cost. I try to leave the past in the past. Not sure what i would do if i had to face my past today.
Ahhh, good question. I try to be a welcoming host, but sometimes I have to gently shut the door.