This year has taken so much from all of us. It has sucked in so many ways. And every time I’ve thought that things could not get worse, I’ve learned that they actually can get worse. Will I ever look back on this year fondly? I don’t think so, but even now I know that I have much to be grateful for and not just in general.
I have things to be grateful for that specifically relate to the year 2020. If nothing else, 2020 has taught me to take nothing for granted. And with that in mind, I would like to share just a few of the things I am not taking for granted.
20 Things I’m Grateful for in 2020
- My two sisters. I didn’t know I had sisters until 2019. Finding out about them and telling them about me was not an easy thing to do. I had no idea how it would all turn out. Well, it turns out that I could not have found out about them and vice versa at a better time because being in touch with them through all the craziness that 2020 has offered up has helped me cope and feel connected to something other than sadness.
- All the work I’ve done leading up to 2020 to set myself up as a freelance writer because I’ve been able to continue writing and thriving as a freelancer.
- The changes made to the AB5 law in California by AB2257. AB5 had set an arbitrary 35-submission cap for freelance writers. Meaning I could only submit 35 pieces of content to each client. That basically would have put me out of business. Because of the hard work of many, that cap was removed by the passing of AB2257 and I am free to continue working from home as a freelance writer and still make enough money to actually survive.
- The presidential election results. I won’t get into it, but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I feel like an elephant has been lifted off my chest.
- My children’s teachers. Distance learning is not ideal, but my daughters have great teachers who are doing the best they can to teach their students. I see the effort they put in and I am so grateful.
- That I got to hold my hamster Dill as he died. It broke my heart, but I could tell he was comforted by my touch. It’s like he was waiting for me to hold him so that he could let go.
- My local Buy Nothing Group on Facebook. It’s a neighborhood group where we post things that we are ready to pass on to someone else for free. Not only have neighbors generously gifted me with items like a lamp, sneakers, dumbbells and the fixings for an entire dinner, being in the group has given me comfort. I also get so much joy from being able to post items that are no longer of use to me and have someone from my neighborhood be excited to have them.
- My “roommates” AKA my husband and kids. Since March, we’ve kept our bubble pretty small. We’ve been living and socializing with each other and in many ways it has been beautiful. We enjoy each other’s company, we love each other profoundly and profess our love daily, and we genuinely like each other.
- Our friends. We’ve been able to spend some time with a few friends while wearing masks and socially distancing and every time that happens I am reminded of how fantastic our friends are. They are smart, funny, kind, generous and so freakin’ easy to love.
- For all the technology that we already had access to. So many families weren’t set up to do distance learning or work from home, but we were. We did not have to borrow devices or wonder how we would be able to afford decent internet access. We already had those things and I take none of them for granted.
- My landlord. I’ve lived in the same place since 1995 and I’m not exaggerating when I say that I LOVE MY LANDLORD. He is such a good man. I consider him and his wife a gift from the Universe. I am so happy that they both remain healthy.
- Great entertainment. Having so much entertainment at our fingertips has been a blessing. I have anxiety disorder and binging on excellent shows, movies, audiobooks and so on has helped keep my anxiety manageable.
- The many opportunities that have come my way this year because of the good people in my life. I’ve been approached to work on amazing projects because friends have recommended me.
- People that I have gotten closer to on social media. There are a few people who I have really developed a fondness for this year because their social media posts have been a lifeline. Sliding into their DMs and connecting on a deeper level has been wonderful.
- I no longer censor my love. I will tell people I love them. I don’t care if I know them well or not, I will say, “I love you” and mean it. I no longer worry that they may be uncomfortable hearing it. I don’t care if they say or feel it back.
- Our fantastic health insurance. We have great health insurance. I’m not saying this to brag, I’m saying it because I think everyone should have great health insurance, but not everyone does. I’m so grateful to my husband’s employer for providing us with not good, but great health insurance.
- Our health. Can you ever be too grateful for good health? Nope and especially not during a pandemic.
- Every delivery person. Thank you to every delivery person who risks their health so that others don’t have to.
- Every person that wears a mask. Thank you for wearing a mask to keep others healthy.
- All the healers and caretakers.
ALSO READ: 43 Mundane Things About My Husband
Of course, I have much more to be grateful for, but there is something to be said for brevity in a blog post. I thank you for reading and sharing your time with me. I’m grateful for you.
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