The fams and I were out for a walk and a bite to eat in Bernal Heights when we were approached by Trudy, a very charming kidpreneur, who runs her very own face painting business. She offered my girls free face painting and took the opportunity to share her business cards with us.
When my Luna Pie sat down and was asked what she would like, she said she wanted a butterfly and a butterfly she got. When it was Put Pie’s turn, she said she didn’t want paint on her face and would prefer it on her hand. Trudy was fine with the hand request, but then when Put Pie said she wanted a dragon, I saw a look of terror flash across Trudy’s face as if to say, “I don’t know how to paint a dragon!” Being a true professional, Trudy recovered quickly and came back with, “How about a cactus in honor of Earth Day?” Of course, Put Pie agreed. Good save, Trudy! Good save.
San Francisco, CA
ALSO READ: Wood Line by Andy Goldsworthy in the Presidio (Sundays In My City)
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Let’s travel the world together!
I never heard that term before, Kidpreneur – what a great word. Clever kid, and looks like your girls enjoyed the paintings. I shared local people this week too 🙂
Sounds like a lovely day. 🙂
Great save! Looks like a fun time for the girls……
Good save, indeed!
Wonder if she went home and practiced drawing dragons…
I hope so because clearly there is a market for them.
Looks so fun!